Looking for the cheapest DAX, EUROSTOXX 50 broker?


Junior member

I am looking for the cheapest broker for trading the DAX and the DJ EURO STOXX 50. The best deal I have found so far is with PROACTIVEFUTURES. I plan to trade only 3-5 contracts per day.

0-350 contracts per month, including all exchange, clearing and NFA fees

DAX: $3.6 round turn

DJ EURO STOXX 50: $3.2 round turn

Does anyone know a broker who beats these prices?
well, the Eurex exchange fee for the DAX is e0.50c and e0.30c for EuroStoxx per side.

The rest of what you pay is the brokers cut and 100% negotiable. I'm not very up on retail brokerage rates but the RT prices you quote seem reasonable enough for such low volume compared to say IB or Global rates etc.

For low volume you dont really have much negotiation room unfortunately.

For 3-5 lots

that is a good rate.

herringtrader said:

I am looking for the cheapest broker for trading the DAX and the DJ EURO STOXX 50. The best deal I have found so far is with PROACTIVEFUTURES. I plan to trade only 3-5 contracts per day.

0-350 contracts per month, including all exchange, clearing and NFA fees

DAX: $3.6 round turn

DJ EURO STOXX 50: $3.2 round turn

Does anyone know a broker who beats these prices?