My ACTUAL P&L record !!!
Yes indeed! For possibly the first time ever on this site i am willing to reveal my recent p&l figures!
But first a few caveats:
I am doing this anonymously for obvious reasons as well as personal reasons I could outline further later if necessary. Part of it is that I have been a member of T2W for a year or so now under a different name, (I am sure the moderators could find this and I trust they will not reveal it) but would prefer to have a seperate identity so that I can continue to post messages in my 'normal' name without any predjudices arising from this post.
Take what is written here with great reverence or with a pinch of salt; be impressed, unimpressed, inspired, dismissive, sneer (privately), laugh, and/or all of the above, but please don't be rude on this site. I know people for what ever reason can get very tetchy when discussing p&l, even other people's p&l.
Everthing here are the plain facts but please don't ask for any written evidence, why should I? this is bad enough and I am not selling anything, not even a course.
One of the reasons I am doing this is because it might help to show (especially to those who so thirst to see other people's p&l) that it really is irrelevant to them in their trading.
So to the figures:
Starting in mid- Aug 2001 I had almost exactly £500k in my trading accounts (most of it with a on-line direct access futures broker). Soon after in the week of 9/11 I lost approx £78k. That did knock me back (psychologically as well as financially) and took me until late Jan 02 to get back to flat. But things went well for the rest of the year and by dec 02 I had almost doubled the original 500 (496 to be more precise).
However in early feb 03 there was a major (non-trading, non-financial markets related) upset in my life. I knew it at the time, i was consciously thinking 'you're not in the proper frame of mind to trade' and yet I did. It was Ed Seykota (look him up if you don't know who he is) who said 'everybody gets what they want from the markets' and at this point I did not care about the money (I know that will sound strange to some of you). I was just sitting passsively on a massive position. It took until August to sort myself out properly by which time i had lost just over £300k. But i do believe it has made me a better trader!
The past month has been pretty good and I am up £52k without taking any major overnight positions
But these raw figures do not really tell the whole story. More importantly, I think, is the quality of life which is the part I am most thankful for. I am my own boss, i work my own hours (sometimes v.long, sometimes v.short). I live in a v.nice central london apartment (no mortage) close to all the clubs, theatres, restaurants etc (eat out most days) . I drive a modest luxury brand car (paid in cash - changed every 2 years - yes, it's a waste of money-hardly need a car in central london anyway). In the past few years i have only really worked 9 maybe 10 months per year having travelled to Japan, Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Singapore, France, Italy, Greece. And i have great friends and family.
So most importantly I have the luxury of Independence which i think is why we all ultimately get into this business. For some, with more modest(expensive) tastes, independence can be bought much more cheaply(expensively), for others independence might even come for free, and yet for others still the loss of structure and self-discipline required of independence is enough to scare them from even attempting it.
I will be happy to expand on anything I have written or try to answer most questions. But as I wrote near the beginning, ultimately none of this really matters to anyone else apart from just passing 'nosey' curiosity in which spirit i hope others will be more willing to post their p&l's which in turn will help to further demystify this business.
Yes indeed! For possibly the first time ever on this site i am willing to reveal my recent p&l figures!
But first a few caveats:
I am doing this anonymously for obvious reasons as well as personal reasons I could outline further later if necessary. Part of it is that I have been a member of T2W for a year or so now under a different name, (I am sure the moderators could find this and I trust they will not reveal it) but would prefer to have a seperate identity so that I can continue to post messages in my 'normal' name without any predjudices arising from this post.
Take what is written here with great reverence or with a pinch of salt; be impressed, unimpressed, inspired, dismissive, sneer (privately), laugh, and/or all of the above, but please don't be rude on this site. I know people for what ever reason can get very tetchy when discussing p&l, even other people's p&l.
Everthing here are the plain facts but please don't ask for any written evidence, why should I? this is bad enough and I am not selling anything, not even a course.
One of the reasons I am doing this is because it might help to show (especially to those who so thirst to see other people's p&l) that it really is irrelevant to them in their trading.
So to the figures:
Starting in mid- Aug 2001 I had almost exactly £500k in my trading accounts (most of it with a on-line direct access futures broker). Soon after in the week of 9/11 I lost approx £78k. That did knock me back (psychologically as well as financially) and took me until late Jan 02 to get back to flat. But things went well for the rest of the year and by dec 02 I had almost doubled the original 500 (496 to be more precise).
However in early feb 03 there was a major (non-trading, non-financial markets related) upset in my life. I knew it at the time, i was consciously thinking 'you're not in the proper frame of mind to trade' and yet I did. It was Ed Seykota (look him up if you don't know who he is) who said 'everybody gets what they want from the markets' and at this point I did not care about the money (I know that will sound strange to some of you). I was just sitting passsively on a massive position. It took until August to sort myself out properly by which time i had lost just over £300k. But i do believe it has made me a better trader!
The past month has been pretty good and I am up £52k without taking any major overnight positions
But these raw figures do not really tell the whole story. More importantly, I think, is the quality of life which is the part I am most thankful for. I am my own boss, i work my own hours (sometimes v.long, sometimes v.short). I live in a v.nice central london apartment (no mortage) close to all the clubs, theatres, restaurants etc (eat out most days) . I drive a modest luxury brand car (paid in cash - changed every 2 years - yes, it's a waste of money-hardly need a car in central london anyway). In the past few years i have only really worked 9 maybe 10 months per year having travelled to Japan, Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Singapore, France, Italy, Greece. And i have great friends and family.
So most importantly I have the luxury of Independence which i think is why we all ultimately get into this business. For some, with more modest(expensive) tastes, independence can be bought much more cheaply(expensively), for others independence might even come for free, and yet for others still the loss of structure and self-discipline required of independence is enough to scare them from even attempting it.
I will be happy to expand on anything I have written or try to answer most questions. But as I wrote near the beginning, ultimately none of this really matters to anyone else apart from just passing 'nosey' curiosity in which spirit i hope others will be more willing to post their p&l's which in turn will help to further demystify this business.
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