Multiple streams of income (if no job)


Junior member
It is nice to be in a great forum like trade2win, learn a lot and shorten my learning curve. I am glad and happy to be a member of such a forum.I trade stocks and sometimes real estate.
I happened to read about ROBERT G ALLEN,S multiple streams of income.
the website is
The course costs about 39.95 dollars, and gives you details about 4 important income channels namely.,
1.creative real estate investing,
2.information marketing over internet
3.stock investing
4.internet enterprises
The point is about --how to make internet pay for your retirement, and be prepared for alternative income streams in case of loss of job etc.
I havent bought this course.I dont know much about it. My experience is real estate is highly profitable, stocks are second to it.but a lot of money can be made in stocks with proper approach. I am not a sales agent for Robert Allens course either.
I just like to know of the opinions of the members of the trade2win forum and if already someone had an exposure to this course etc. Once I get a reasonable feedback, I will take my next step ahead.
If any info about this thing, kindly advise me.
in advance, I thank you all nice guys for your valuable time!

Without giving offence I will tell you this. If you need to pay for this type of information then IMO you probably should not try to use it .Let someone with tested expertise do it for you it will be a lot cheaper.

I hope you havent wasted your money, but the fact is that you will come across tons of courses on the internet and even on this website. The simple answer is there is no easy way to make money no matter what anyone says.. and especially in the areas you have outlined!

There is money to be made in trading but you have to work your butt off.... Infact this the case in any private enterprise. If you want the easy life then get a 9-5 job.

