multi pc question


Active member
I have a Pc with Win7 64 and 2.8g Intel core 2 quad processor and 8 mb ram running 4 screens at present which runs fine.
I have a duplicate machine and fancy the same set up---my question is how much broadband width does this take up. I only have a 2 mb connection. Will I be ok.
I am not concerned about saving a millisecond here or there
can you tell I am no tecchie. thanks.

I should add that I am looking at a couple of broker platforms , sharescope etc . I don`t know how strenuous these are.
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You'll be fine with a 2mb connection. I run about 6 PCs off the same, never a problem.
Brilliant-thats what I was hoping-thanks. 8 screen set up totally ott but bit of fun
sounds an amazing setup, I do stuff like this for fun as I love the challenges and problem solving it brings. I only have three but across two PC's, but sometimes when I look up from those three screens to the space above I find myself thinking "I can do that again" - then reality costing and the fact I don't NEED it kicks in - one day though!

(tip ref sharescope which starts slow - run it off a ram disk then share the ram disk on network for use on PC2, 3 etc - but to do this you need to write an image before it shuts down and back up once a month just in case)
ok -all done. Picked up the LG screens for £ 30 on ebay. 6 for now as waiting for another 4 x 2 arm to arrive.

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then , how can you judge and analyze so much information once there some sudden events , handle well ? :| or you are more sensitive in the marketing by doing that !

I don't react to nor am that interested in 'sudden events', that's how.

Trading the markets doesn't mean you have to watch every stupid tick that comes across the wire.