Mr Charts' Coaching / Nasdaq Trading School

Mr. Charts

Legendary member
Today, Friday, being the 3rd Friday in the quarter month - and the summer month - always has the potential to be a tedious day, especially for index/futures "players". Most will understand exactly why that is predictable.
However, for those who can find the HOT stocks there are usually, though not always, good opportunities.
Before the market even opened I pointed out elsewhere on the web several stocks which could show good readable technical movement which capable traders using the right set ups and triggers can make money from with the usual mimimal risk. They were ADBE, NBIX,OVTI, TRID and FMCN. All except TRID produced great profitable moves. I suggest anyone with an open mind looks at both the 1 min and 5 min candles of those stocks for themselves.
For those who skim through posts seeing only what they want to see - well, they can keep on living inside their strictly defined enclosed little worlds and keep on missing out.
For those who trade purely core stocks it wasn't an easy day, but for those who add in HOT stocks to their repertoire, the volume and movement and technical analysis were all there to make money from.
For me and my group it was yet another very good day and VERY easy to trade.
Do check out those stocks and you'll see what I mean. Anyone who can't see the opportunitiies even on a simple technical analysis basis should get themselves a decent TA book and stop thinking they know it all - they don't - none of us know it all - as I've said before, be humble and discard the ego.
Trading is like the planet, we are privileged to spend time here and respect it, we are not its bullying masters even though the egotistical maniacs fool themselves into believing they are.
That's a very early/late post Richard! Having a late night celebration after the day? For that I wouldn't blame you! :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
Mr. Charts said:
Today, Friday, being the 3rd Friday in the quarter month - and the summer month - always has the potential to be a tedious day, especially for index/futures "players". Most will understand exactly why that is predictable.
However, for those who can find the HOT stocks there are usually, though not always, good opportunities.
Before the market even opened I pointed out elsewhere on the web several stocks which could show good readable technical movement which capable traders using the right set ups and triggers can make money from with the usual mimimal risk. They were ADBE, NBIX,OVTI, TRID and FMCN. All except TRID produced great profitable moves. I suggest anyone with an open mind looks at both the 1 min and 5 min candles of those stocks for themselves.
For those who skim through posts seeing only what they want to see - well, they can keep on living inside their strictly defined enclosed little worlds and keep on missing out.
For those who trade purely core stocks it wasn't an easy day, but for those who add in HOT stocks to their repertoire, the volume and movement and technical analysis were all there to make money from.
For me and my group it was yet another very good day and VERY easy to trade.
Do check out those stocks and you'll see what I mean. Anyone who can't see the opportunities even on a simple technical analysis basis should get themselves a decent TA book and stop thinking they know it all - they don't - none of us know it all - as I've said before, be humble and discard the ego.
Trading is like the planet, we are privileged to spend time here and respect it, we are not its bullying masters even though the egotistical maniacs fool themselves into believing they are.
Yes, there were opportunities to be had. There are every day. But you didn't point any of your hot stocks (TBD) out on this site did you Richard. So why are you posting your 'results' here? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to simply continue posting 'elsewhere on the web' and to 'your group'?

I just wonder what your point is.

Anybody outside your group or who hasn't seen what you 'pointed out elsewhere on the web' has no idea or is any the better for your comments. Suggesting they buy a good book on TA is quite frankly an insult. Soaring generalities and thinly-veiled swipes at other member's achievements (not mine I hasten to add :LOL: ) do little to educate and do much to frustrate. Not the newbies who will decide they need to ask you more questions to get the answers they need, but those of who know enough to realise that the newbies will decide they need to ask you more questions to get the answers they need.

Your posts, as usual unfortunately, follow the same pattern and add little value to this thread - or this site. It is heartening to see under the proposed changes to guidelines, your post could be considered to contravene both the spirit and the letter of the law.

Good trading.
BlackPanther said:
That's a very early/late post Richard! Having a late night celebration after the day? For that I wouldn't blame you! :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

Hi BlackPanther
LOL ! ;-)
I'd like to add that Richard's comments above are really speaking the truth. Yes, I might be biased - I have had coaching from him and don't hesitate to make that known.

I've spent so much time reading T2W and other trading web sites, and if you've done like me you'll realise: There are so many different ways of profitable trading - the trick being finding the one that suits your psychology. It's also absolutely crucial if you read posts and think "wow, this person/these guys are doing amazingly!" that you really research what is being said. Don't take *anything* at face value - because it is this research that is going to be crucial to your development as a trader. It's easy to admire other traders, and fall into the belief that if only you could learn their method you'd be rich.

They key word in the above paragraph is "learn", because unless you know a system/methodology absolutely inside-out and can thoroughly understand not only that it is profitable but *how* it is that it becomes profitable and has its edge you're not going to succeed long-term. This means you can't expect to just follow a system you think works, you've got to put a LOT of effort into understanding. Because once you truly understand, you will become not only confident - but - and this does sound strange - humble. As regards the effort, an appropriately analogy perhaps might be: How is it that people can read the same degrees, the same books - yet come out with such wildly varying grades?

For the benefit of those new traders out there, I'm going to elaborate a little bit on the above post and why on days like today it can be very difficult for those who aren't prepared to look for potential profitable stocks. Yesterday was "quadruple witching" ( What makes this a tough day is that it can lead to very choppy trading with no particular direction as hedging by futures/options traders occurs. Had one have limited oneself to this type of trading and not searched out opportunities - today might not have been a great day.

The other, almost bizarre thing about searching for opportunities is that when you find one (to me at least), it can almost feel as though you are being given the opportunity. The market is bigger than (most) of you - so just take what it gives you and don't mess around. Sometimes I find myself thinking "wow, this stock is really setting up exactly how I want it to?!?" and the key is to take that opportunity and not hesitate. If it doesn't work out, so what? You can get away with a tiny loss of a few cents or less per share even on the hottest of stocks thanks to direct access.

Does the above sound like hard work? Well, in a way it is and it isn't. With experience and the above mentioned confidence and humbleness - it can and will become easy. Sometimes ridiculously so..

I logged on to an old IG Index spread betting account of mine to see what the spreads were like: In a lot of cases they could be 30 cents (or 250 on GOOG!) when in the real market it might be just a cent! This means spreadbetting you'd need a move of 30 cents just to break even. So perhaps you bet £5/point and then wait to make back your £150 spread whilst I have already made that trading 1000 shares. In most likelyhood you wouldn't be trading these kind of stocks with SBs - you simply can't as the risk is too high? Tax free profits? More likely to be losses that can't be offset against taxes! So that this does not seem one sided: I have observed that for Indexes and Forex you can sometimes get fairly tight spreads and if you're good enough make money this way. But you're relying upon a SB company who only makes money if you lose money, and you can't trade the fastest-moving and thus most profitable trading objects. Why limit yourself?

Richard mentioned some stocks above, and said those with an open-mind should look at the charts. I am sure a few people have, but then some of you might not have done. For that reason I'm posting them here - if it causes just one person to realise they need to research things for themselves more then it has served its purpose :) But please, to really learn do open them up in your own software/online and *truly* study them. You'll gain much more by doing that than anyone could ever teach you.

To summarise: Nothing I have written above is new, and has all been said before by many people - however in the deluge of conversations and other meaningless chat it is often hard to find good information.

I certainly don't, and will not ever claim that there is only one way to trade profitably. Ultimately there are many ways to make money in the market, and even more ways to lose money. Yes there are systems out there that make money - some consistently.. for a while at least. But as of yet, there is absolutely no better system than the billions of neurons in your head. Sure, adaptive immunologic/genetic neural networks have their place - but if you can learn how to trade yourself first then you're in a much better position to understand and take advantage of any systems the future presents :)


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TheBramble said:
Yes, there were opportunities to be had. There are every day.

Spot on.

But you didn't point any of your hot stocks (TBD) out on this site did you Richard. So why are you posting your 'results' here? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to simply continue posting 'elsewhere on the web' and to 'your group'?

With all due respect - perhaps if you read his post thoroughly. Perhaps if you followed his advice to have an open-mind and look for yourself you might realise that what Richard has posted is actually worth a lot. When I first started reading T2W, I often did not understand how to learn from the posts of certain people. The only way you're going to is by researching for yourself. Why should he post stocks here before? Posting them after, in the volume over time that he has presents just as much value. To one person a bit of furniture is useless and worth nothing, to another it is an antique worth millions. Not trying to say Richard is like a bit of furniture! ;)

I just wonder what your point is.

Anybody outside your group or who hasn't seen what you 'pointed out elsewhere on the web' has no idea or is any the better for your comments. Suggesting they buy a good book on TA is quite frankly an insult. Soaring generalities and thinly-veiled swipes at other member's achievements (not mine I hasten to add :LOL: ) do little to educate and do much to frustrate. Not the newbies who will decide they need to ask you more questions to get the answers they need, but those of who know enough to realise that the newbies will decide they need to ask you more questions to get the answers they need.

For those who have an open-mind, I need make no comment with reference to the above.

Your posts, as usual unfortunately, follow the same pattern and add little value to this thread - or this site. It is heartening to see under the proposed changes to guidelines, your post could be considered to contravene both the spirit and the letter of the law.

I've got value, and continue to gain value from his posts. Want proof? Agree to pay for an independent solicitor who will under confidentiality verify my assertations: If I am telling the truth you pay. If I am not, I will pay. If I am telling the truth, then those with the many-times-mentioned open-mind will also gain value.

Good trading.

Good trading to you, and everyone in this World. Trading is a wonderful thing :)
BP - can I respectfully suggest you read my post again. This time with a really open mind...
I have addressed your post, in a manner I feel wholly appropriate. It is interesting to note that you do not wish to take me up on my challenge.

I believe that concludes our correspondence. You had an opportunity to "prove" to others that of our conflicting viewpoints that yours was correct.

Now I'll leave it to the individuals to make up their mind and gain whatever value they so desire.

TheBramble said:
BP - can I respectfully suggest you read my post again. This time with a really open mind...
BlackPanther said:
I have addressed your post, in a manner I feel wholly appropriate. It is interesting to note that you do not wish to take me up on my challenge.
I didn't want to embarrass you by asking what the heck you were talking about, but as you insist on pressing the point...

I'd be a little wary of paying a Brazilian solicitor to come see you in your own country and ask you if you thought Richard's post on which I commented was 'of value' to you. :LOL: Bit of a no brainer really. :rolleyes:

But that's not important.

If you are genuinely keen to take a challenge yourself, post a poll on these boards. Ask how many members thought that post of Richard's on which I commented was truly of value. The ball's in your court now.

BlackPanther said:
I believe that concludes our correspondence.
Not exactly. When you dance with the devil.... :devilish:

BlackPanther said:
You had an opportunity to "prove" to others that of our conflicting viewpoints that yours was correct.
I wasn't trying to prove anything. Just making a point. Trouble is, it's a valid point. That it conflicts with yours is understandable. Richard's entourage are nothing if not fiercely loyal. Makes you wonder what there is so much doubt about to be defended so strongly all the time.

Anyhow, as I said, ball's in your court. If you have a genuine desire to establish how valuable the members of this board found that specific post, put up a poll. But I don't think anyone will think the less of you, and it will quite understandable, should you decline to do so.
Respectfully - I did not ask that it be a Brazilian lawyer. You just made that assumption.

A poll would be irrelevant, the central issue here is whether or not those with an open mind who are prepared to put in the research which will reap the rewards.

I was prepared to prove to an independent solicitor that this was the case. A poll here would not be reflective of such an issue in any way, shape or form as those who possess such mindsets and abilities are perhaps unfortunately in the minority. Preferring instead to be told what to do, to have their hand-held and having the "security". Why else do so many people work for others? Although, having said that - those who are beginning to learn about trading are venturing in the correct direction. But as we both know, the majority fail at this.

That Richard's entourage are nothing but fiercly loyal should present to you a crystal-clear image. Would one be defending a way that loses money? I sure as hell wouldn't be and cannot think that anyone else would be.

We are digressing here, but perhaps it still serves a purpose. I do not dismiss the trading methods of others.

Be open to the World around you, dare to learn - be different from those around you - the truly successful are those who tend by definition to be different from the majority. Indeed, along the journey many take great criticisms from others (which tend to arise from envy).

Therefore, to re-iterate in quite plain English: I did not at any point state that the everyone or even the majority of people would find value. Those who actually desired value, would however find it. How else can you explain those who are elite in society, who excel in their respective disciplines? If knowledge is out there for everyone - which it is - how is it that not everyone can understand it?

To be quite blunt, the majority of people in the entire World live in ignorant bliss and close themselves off. Indeed, it is necessarily so for society to function - for it is impossible for everyone to be at the same level.
BlackPanther said:
That Richard's entourage are nothing but fiercly loyal should present to you a crystal-clear image. Would one be defending a way that loses money? I sure as hell wouldn't be and cannot think that anyone else would be.
Would you care to say upon what possible basis you make the assertion that "Richard's entourage are nothing but fiercly loyal"?

He has attracted numerous viewers of this board to his 1-2-1 sessions. I know or have knowledge of some of them. If you look back through the archives on this board you will find many of them expressing their excitement at their imminent sessions. Of those persons none, as far as I know, have made money from or now follow his methods.

Some while ago he started a bulletin board (run by a T2W member) called "TUBBS". That board folded when (a) dissatisfied customer(s) began asking difficult questions and (b) after months of no posts either from Mr J or other members.

How did you come into contact with Mr J and his coaching?
Mr. Charts said:
However, for those who can find the HOT stocks there are usually, though not always, good opportunities.
Before the market even opened I pointed out elsewhere on the web several stocks which could show good readable technical movement which capable traders using the right set ups and triggers can make money from with the usual mimimal risk. They were ADBE, NBIX,OVTI, TRID and FMCN. All except TRID produced great profitable moves. I suggest anyone with an open mind looks at both the 1 min and 5 min candles of those stocks for themselves.

As mainly a scalper, I love non trending days which allows tons of scalping opportunities. However, my friend and I also do gap plays and we find HOT stocks on (see attachment) for free. We shorted both NBIX and OVTI for a very tidy profit. There are always more ways than one to skin a cat!! :LOL:


  • HOT LIST.jpg
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LevII said:
Would you care to say upon what possible basis you make the assertion that "Richard's entourage are nothing but fiercly loyal"?

He has attracted numerous viewers of this board to his 1-2-1 sessions. I know or have knowledge of some of them. If you look back through the archives on this board you will find many of them expressing their excitement at their imminent sessions. Of those persons none, as far as I know, have made money from or now follow his methods.

Some while ago he started a bulletin board (run by a T2W member) called "TUBBS". That board folded when (a) dissatisfied customer(s) began asking difficult questions and (b) after months of no posts either from Mr J or other members.

How did you come into contact with Mr J and his coaching?
Intersting to read LevII.

I assumed (wrongly?) 99% of all his students became profitable with the training into HOT stocks and how to spot all the no brainers, or at least those with discipline did.

Funny how all the posts show how screamingly obvious all the trades were made using LII knowledge, prior HOT stock picking and using obvious set ups after the event, and even though you then need to go via PM for more in depth actual reasoning, it looks as though the author is very skilled.

With only showing a fraction of the picture afterwards, I could see how many would be enticed to further their studies, sign up and part with their hard earned money to see the full picture and maybe get in the stocks before its happened too, but I guess sometimes, things do just look to good to be true.
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LevII: I was quoting Bramble. Read his post too. But an entourage is by mere definition loyal.

If you're going to make asserations, I suggest you back to them up with evidence and not simple statements like "If you look back through the archives". At best, you are merely mis-guided. At worst, this is a deliberate attack designed to damage the reputation of Mr Charts. Anyway, I did look back through the archives to find the posts that I remembered. Here are a few:

"i have just joined after training and mentoring from mr charts
it has taken me several months but with his help i am now trading for my living .........

i never have a loss making day
is that the way been taught or is that normal?"

dvdh's response
"Never having a loss making day is quite normal for some of the people that took the Mr. Charts or Naz course. Although for the rest of the world it's quite unbelievable and untrue, don't forget that....

I also did Mr. Charts Micro Analysis course. That helped me out BIG TIME. It's really usefull for scalping and for longer intraday positions!"


Here's another one, from a thread Entitled "Mr Charts Training":

Just because some students are not making money doesn't mean what Mr Charts does cannot make you money.

The turtles proved that. i.e. 10 people all trading the same strategy with the same rules and same markets. Some made millions some lost money.

It's down to application as well as strategy.

Perhaps you should follow some of MrCharts Threads, he has quite a lots of followers and seems a well respected member of these boards.

well worth the money

nothing is easy. If you are seeking "easy" ( where does Mr. Charts say it's easy?) then you will fail.

Have you done a "search" on here for comments on mr. Charts course - detractors were thin on the ground I seem to remember.

Then here's an interesting post by davelong:
I have had Mr Charts one to one course and at the time I thought that it was good value, however that was quite a while ago and in my opinion now, I think you can get the same information either for nothing on various boards or from day trading books, and you can buy a lot of books for that kind of money.
I regret having to make this post, i never intended to say anything, but as you posed a direct question I felt morally bound to answer honestly.

Why is that interesting? Well, whilst I disagree with this - I must state that a lot that I did learn was out there. Indeed, a large amount of the time it was sitting there plainly obvious - but this was only after I got taught! It helped me filter out the crap, and find the gems that exist. Forgive the expressions, but I would put the crap to gems ratio on here at a minimum of 50:1.

There is a post from another who claims to have had a session, this is just part of his post:
"I bet that more than 95% arent making any money"
Amongst other things, and as part of his summary (I believe this is where you might be getting your information from LevII) he states "Nevertheless I am not sorry I did Richard's course."

Then there's another post by timsk, here's part of it:
Forgive me for labouring the point, but the key words here are "I TEACH HOW I TRADE". The pertinent question to ask former students is this: 'Having attended Richard's course, do you understand how Richard trades?' If 95% of them say no, then you might conclude he is a poor teacher and the course isn't worth the money. However, I suspect his success rate is close to 100%. Richard never promised me anything other than to teach me HOW HE TRADES. This he did very well in my opinion. What I do with this knowledge is my own responsibility. I find it quite extraordinary the way people moan that just because they've paid the course fee this entitles them to a passport to instant wealth. It's naive to think it's that simple! So many people are unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions and are quick to blame others when things don't work out as they had envisaged. Richard does not take responsibility for the actions of his students. How on earth could he? Ditto for all other tutors, teachers and mentors etc.

To be honest, YES, people should go and read the archives for THEMSELVES. They also need to realise they have to learn lots for themselves (including their psychology). Please people reading, do go and fully read the thread mentioned above before taking LevII's, or even my own word on things. Perhaps if you look at his past posts you might see he and Bramble adore attacking Mr Charts.

And then from our own little thread here to which we are contributing are a couple of posts from TrendTracker:

Richard, without the Level2 skills that taught me this would not be possible. Thanks mate!

BTW, has not been for Richard teaching me the L2 I would have made a lot of losses. Now, losing trades are around 2 to 4 cents.

To address your final point: I found Richard via here :) I discovered trading, found Trade2Win and read a lot of material - staying up late many many nights to try to expand my knowledge. I wish I had spoken to him sooner and not wasted so many nights...

"so far as I know" was a nice statement to make, excluding responsibility to being incorrect in your assertations. I, however, see through it - I hope others do too.

I am sure the majority of Richard's mentees keep quiet, instead of wasting their time replying to ill thought out mis-leading posts. If it wasn't for staying home waiting for a delivery, I wouldn't be posting here right now. Although perhaps I would have later, because I will defend someone who has changed my life for good so much.
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I used to really respect you, as you appeared to be a successful forex trader and I never saw an unreasonable post. Why come here and say such things? I know you might get on with Bramble.. but there's no need for you to join in with the evident agenda that he and LevII have.

In a post of yours in the past you even stated "Whatever your market, once you know them, they become very easy". So I *know* that deep-down you've got the talent to make a success of day-trading US stocks too.

Don't dismiss people too soon.. remember there are many ways to success. In fact, I am sure you know that anyway so I am really at a loss to understand you.

But then, you did joke in the thread you started "the only HOT thing nearby will be my coffee..."

Why are you limiting your mindset like this? He has *never* claimed 99% of his students become profitable.. I am sure that no coach who has taught a large number of people could boast of such statistics. The fact is, some people simply don't have the right type of mindset. Some people can change though, others can't.. but everyone has the choice.
BlackPanther said:

I used to really respect you, as you appeared to be a successful forex trader and I never saw an unreasonable post. Why come here and say such things? I know you might get on with Bramble.. but there's no need for you to join in with the evident agenda that he and LevII have.

In a post of yours in the past you even stated "Whatever your market, once you know them, they become very easy". So I *know* that deep-down you've got the talent to make a success of day-trading US stocks too.

Don't dismiss people too soon.. remember there are many ways to success. In fact, I am sure you know that anyway so I am really at a loss to understand you.

But then, you did joke in the thread you started "the only HOT thing nearby will be my coffee..."

Why are you limiting your mindset like this? He has *never* claimed 99% of his students become profitable.. I am sure that no coach who has taught a large number of people could boast of such statistics. The fact is, some people simply don't have the right type of mindset. Some people can change though, others can't.. but everyone has the choice.

You need to calm down my friend, I was merely making an observation to what appears to be very contrary evidence to what I assumed was a given thing. Mr Charts appears to have great skills and I commend him for however many % he has succesfully taught to go on and make their living via his methods, but, there are always two sides and the folded BB paints a different picture to the one on this thread.

The issue here lies not in Mr Charts skills but the lack of solid useful information posted herein to the newbie in the US Stocks arena who have had no training from Richard. Whilst you may glean much from his posts, I see nothing useful and to fully understand his reasoning behind quite why it was HOT, or a no brainer, requires 1-2-1 coaching, which, with this being a public BB for the sharing of ideas, does not help those saving their money for the market.

As for the HOT reference in my thread, it's just the British humour..... :cheesy:

I got the humour - but due to my feelings about the situation and respect of Mr C I didn't find it funny.

This is a public BB, and it is for sharing knowledge. I agree with that absolutely. However, if I came up with a system that was able to spot opportunities - I am afraid I'm a capitalist through and through! If something has value, then I would make the most of it.

Don't get me wrong here - I do a fair bit of charity work too. The situation here in Brazil is appalling, and really puts the quality of life in England into perspective. By the way, I am about as English as they come :) Red Dwarf, Monty Python, Fawly Towers... oh how I know and love 'em!

For your information, and I don't believe this is in any way a secret: All people who want to undergo training must sign a confidentiality agreement. If I talked details, Richard could sue my **** off! But surely you can see the volume of people who have responded positively about him means something.

If you read all of Richard's posts, and really researched them - you would glean a hell of a lot! But yes, if you want to learn quickly then coaching is the only way. For that reason, I'd have to disagree about those saving to be trading.. the leap ahead you in terms of understanding you gain from that help of a successful trader is worth a hell of a lot more than the time it would take to find everything out for yourself.

I'm sure his coaching has paid for itself many times over for many people. Me included :)

All the best chris - I do still respect you, I hope you understand my side too!

BlackPanther said:
I am sure the majority of Richard's mentees keep quiet, instead of wasting their time replying to ill thought out mis-leading posts. If it wasn't for staying home waiting for a delivery, I wouldn't be posting here right now. Although perhaps I would have later, because I will defend someone who has changed my life for good so much.
I'm delighted you found your training such good value for money but I hope you understand there are those who may not share your opinions. If they wish to I am sure they can speak for themselves.

You missed one apparrent devotee in 'martinwalker' who also appeared to have a life changing experience in Mr Charts' hands. He made a fleeting appearance here some years ago. Look him up, you will no doubt find his posts uplifting.

Best wishes and good trading. Remember things that are HOT can burn very badly.
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BlackPanther said:
A poll would be irrelevant, the central issue here is whether or not those with an open mind who are prepared to put in the research which will reap the rewards.
I disagree. Seems your central thrust is that the majority on here (t2w) have something positive to say about their coaching experience with Mr. C. You have been highly selective in my view of those who have had the 'experience'. And jonnyt would no doubt like to update his comments were he around, but that's understandable.

Post your poll. Let's see who agrees with you. And who doesn't. Simple.

Then instead of you mouthing off or me mouthing off quite pointlessly - we'll get a balanced and true picture.
Then instead of you mouthing off or me mouthing off quite pointlessly


The wise old owl, who lived in an oak,
the more he saw the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
Now wasn't he a wise old bird?