Less than 1 day and this thread slipped down 5 pages on the new threads listing. Great for Sharky, the advertisers/spreadbetting companies but not good for the soul I would suggest (and that isn't meant to come across as insulting to Paul or the advertisers, just a statement of fact).
Encouraged, perhaps even inspired by both the subject/video on this thread and the strength and dignity shown by a fellow T2W member on another thread, I have decided that I am going to keep bumping it to the front page whenever:
1) I see a page full of threads of the same old stuff occupying the new threads listing OR
2) I see a post and want to respond negatively to it OR
3) I believe that lulz is winning!
In doing so I hope to refocus my energies on that which is really important and avoid the downward spiral that can be associated with some of the prolonged negative exchanges on here. I will keep doing this until:
1) I am banned for spamming.
2) The video gets on to YouTubes most watched list and in doing so perhaps 1 kid gets to watch it instead of watching some guy in his underpants lip synching Madonna.
3) The OP gets sufficient reps to signify a move in the rep system to what it always should have been, i.e. about the message not the messenger.
4) The thread becomes the most viewed thread on T2W.
It's all a bit Crap Buddhist-esque (at least before he entered his final "don't give give a rats" phase so I hope he is pleased. Maybe others will join me in trying to keep this thread on the T2W front page, maybe they won't. Maybe they will slag off me and/or the idea (if that's the case please be kind enough to do it on this thread and then it's a win/win).