MOBILE forex?


Well-known member
Hey everyone. I have setups that require me to be at a computer when I may not be. Also, I have a job that I don't feel comfortable logging on to my broker at.

Does anyone use a charting service that can be viewed from a blackberry or an iPhone? Oanda has an app but it doesn't include charting i don't think. Honestly, all i need to see is candlestick and stochastic.

I tried the Tradermade mobile charting but to be perfectly honest I didn't get on with it and probably wouldn't pay for it.
Oh, so they charge for that? Shoot.

I really wish there was a phone that can pick up Oanda's regular charts, not from the mobile mirror. I have never had an internet enabled phone so i don't know if they can run applets. Hmm..thanks for your post Gamma. Anyone else have experience in this?
We were just talking about this in another thread actually. About how great the iPhone App is for ThinkorSwim.

The guy there (Gekko) said that he uses it for charts, so maybe give that a go. TOS is great for me, but I don´t use it mobile, so can´t personally say (I don´t trade Fx either, and not sure how TOS are with Fx, but no doubt their charting for it is top notch).
Note: the charts on iSwim aren't actually the best they could be... you can't rotate them into horizontal mode, for example - but of course, the technology is designed as a compliment, not a substitute. Best thing about ToS is the variety of quotes, although no European markets is a total bummer.

It is free though.
Well yes, like you said, as a compliment its just a great bonus. I had something on my blackberry a few years ago and it never worked well (hardly at all actually, but it was via Finspreads so no surprise there as they are Sh_t).

Yeh, the lack of Euro Markets is a bit pathetic. I spoke with Tom Sosnoff last Summer about it (specifically DAX) and he told me they would have Euro Instruments by beginning of the last Qtr 2009.

This is indeed a let down of them. Gonna mail Tom now and get a status update.
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SN - did you need to download a particular version of Java or something like that? I have a touch HD (first one, not newer one) and wldnt mind getting something similar set up. I do have bloomberg anywhere for mobile installed but logging in is a touch clunky and I mostly end up using it for the chat and occasionally checking his and los.
I second what shadowninja says, metatrader mobile ftw, its proper bob on. You can get it free from alpari or odl.

But it is for windows mobile not iphone...
Yeah, go to and check out their info on the Windows Mobile version of MT4. It's a complete program.
Regarding the Dax etc on ToS

FYI - Just had it confirmed to me that the Euro Instruments are very close and that they will begin testing them in 17 days time, then getting a live launch date shortly after.

So, this means ThinkorSwim will then have DAX etc on the books... Great news ! :clap:
Yep. Tom Sosnoff told me himself, only an hour ago...

Although, he did tell me that last Summer too, then again in Sept... (says there were other priorities holding it down, but it will happen sooooon)
Ok guys, I'm not Apple savvy. If I buy an Ipod touch and connect with wifi, will I have the same web capabilities as an iphone? Meaning...can I runt MT4 Mobile you think?

Trying to find a plan so I can make a single intraday trade at work. A little supplement to my current plan, which leaves my money lonely for about half the day.
I use GFT. You can just log in like you would facebook on their basic version, great for emergencies. Their charting application however while free, only works with windows mobile 6 or lower, 6.5 and 7 arent supported. They have what i assume is the same app for the i phone too
Right, i'm just wondering if i can get off cheap and get a new Ipod touch rather than an iphone
i reckon you are better off with one of those mini laptops and mobile broadband for mobile trading .
I ended up just going cheap with an iPod touch. I have Forex-On-The-Go app which has decent charts. I don't need any indicators so I am fine with plain ol candlesticks. I just keep an eye on the pairs from time to time via wifi. It's helpful, a few times a nice pin bar was there for the taking so I went downstairs and entered my order on my PC. I wouldn't use it exclusively, it's like a baby monitor ha ha
Thinkorswim have an excellent iphone/ipad app.I hear NinjaTrader are bringing one out too.