It seems that some of the historical price data points are missing from Yahoo.
Yahoo's historical prices only have data up til May 2008 (AVCA: Historical Prices for ADVOCAT INC - Yahoo! Finance) where Data is available through current day on Google Finance(Historical prices for AVCA (Advocat Inc.) - Google Finance)
Does anyone know anything about this or know of a work around? I would take Google's/MSN's data but they're lacking the "Adjusted Close" field which I need to calculate total return.
Yahoo's historical prices only have data up til May 2008 (AVCA: Historical Prices for ADVOCAT INC - Yahoo! Finance) where Data is available through current day on Google Finance(Historical prices for AVCA (Advocat Inc.) - Google Finance)
Does anyone know anything about this or know of a work around? I would take Google's/MSN's data but they're lacking the "Adjusted Close" field which I need to calculate total return.