mIni dow data


Junior member

i am just starting my set up to trade the mini dow however there is one thing that i cannot work out.
I run tcnet realtime and have just subsribed to mytrack thru my updata software which gives live data for the mini dow.
However when i look at my daily charts from tcnet which are very accurate and the daily charts for the future ym on mytrack the highs are sometimes 20 to 30 lower than tcnet.
Now i could understand if mytrack data was higher because sometimes the futures trade higher before the open than the actual cash but its does not make sense to me that the cash has traded 20/30 points away from the future ie the dow trades at 10750 and the high if the future is 10720.
Am i missing something or do you think that the data is inaccurate.

I believe i have figured out why the highs are different the chart i am looking at is all the june contracts so in the periods before ie in march there must be some sort of adjustment for june etc which looks like 25 points.
However my next question is do any providers use a continious chart ie march june sep dec 04 because otherwise it becomes very difficult to calulate support resistance etc and indicators when the prices will always have to be adjusted.
If this is not the case i would be grateful if any experiences future traders can share how they calculate their charts since i should imagine most traders are trading the nearest contact period.
Also would it be possible to trade the straight cash from my live charts on tcnet with futures execution.
Or do you just use the last 3 months of futures data ie the contract for your intraday trades and take your levels from the cash.
Sorry for so many questions but any help would be grately appreciated.
MyTrack provide continous contract data (ands it customiseable) for all futures.

As you have a MyTrack account you should be able to download this data from the Dial Data Database.

I use Sierra Charts as a front end for this and live charts. Better than Updata by miles and much cheaper.

Thanks alot Johnny much appreciated can you get it to backfill as well because i cannot seem to with the updata software.
When i look at the 60 mins on the june contract all i have is 2 days of history which is no good to man or beast.
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MyTrack has 15 days backfill for intraday data and years of data for EOD

unlees u use a feed that has more backfill u will have to pchse data for analysis or build it up over time in yr database for instruments u wish to study. Intraday tends to take up a lot of room.
Thanks jonny can you tell me what symbol you use to get the continuous future contracts on your charts all i can seem to get is the june contact and its still shows the june contract even in march this year.
HO1600 for example is the Heating Oil continuous contract
C 1600 corn etc

Hi Jonny

Thank you for your replies much appreciated.
The problem i am having is i want to be able to view a continuous contract on the mini.s eg ym like all the other software providers have.
At the moment with updata and mytrack data all i can get is a chart for each quarter contract period therefore its makes trading an absolute nightmare and a complete waste of time having to look a 4 different charts and trying to put the levels together mentally the same with intraday.
The question i was asking was is there a code for the ym in a continous rolling contract that shows on just one chart like for example esignal and tradestation provide .
If you use SierraChart then you can do this rather easily with a bit of jiggery pokery. Why anyone would use Updata is beyond me.

Jonny is right - even a technophobe like me can now have this continuous data using Sierra/MyTrack, with a bit of manipulation. JT showed me how, but if you'd like a simpleton's method then just PM me!
It's taken me about six months to work out how, but it really is easy when you're shown how to do it. I'm pretty sure it has to be done on rollover but maybe JT can put me right there. (I'm not sure how far back Sierra provides data for but I think this would be the limiting factor on when you can achieve a good result?)