Metatrader and Pivots


Using metatrader to paper trade and wondered if someone could answer a question I have about the yellow Pivot Line, is it based on US or UK time? Many thanks, this will clarify alot of things!
Using metatrader to paper trade and wondered if someone could answer a question I have about the yellow Pivot Line, is it based on US or UK time? Many thanks, this will clarify alot of things!

Idon't ue MT platform - but maybe it is accoridng to 'global' time? I mean 5pm US time - that is when fx markets are considered to have 'end' of the day.
Using metatrader to paper trade and wondered if someone could answer a question I have about the yellow Pivot Line, is it based on US or UK time? Many thanks, this will clarify alot of things!

It is probably calculated on 12midnight at the broker time of the MT4 charting. Attached is a pivot indicator that you can alter the time at which they are calculated.


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