

I am looking for a mentor to train with and willing to listen and learn . I am interested in stocks, currency and commodities and would really appreciate if anybody knows of a professsional or a retired profeesional that really knows how to trade. So I can learn from him or she.
I am not sure if he is working as a trading mentor or not but this guy is the one who taught me almost everything about trading and as I personally believe, he is one of the most professional one here is his email: p h o e n i x j o h n s o n 1 2 2 at gmail dot com
Stocks, currency and commodities are all very different animals. If you're starting out on yor trading jjourney I would recommend just pick one and get some experience running trades in that market.

Having said that, the rules of tradng are quite transferable between the three so what you learn on one will give you capability with the other two.

But trading is not complicated, offer to pay a mentor only once you have looked at trading and are absolutely certain you need a mentor.
o course they are different but as far as i know technical analysis is the same! it does not matter if you are analyzing gold or btc or eurusd, the market, the analysis, the basics are the same, only your strategy may vary for each ,and even not even that necessarily needs to change.