Member's location in postings and "about me"


Senior member
Why is it that some member's locations show up in their postings and "about me" entries and others don't?

I realise that if they haven't filled in a location, then it cannot show up, but in my case I have filled in a location (i.e. city as well as country) but it still doesn't show up.

Why is that?
Thanks for pointing this out. It seems we're able to duplicate the error, so we'll look into it a little further and see what we can do to fix it so it is fully working.

If you see any more Bugs, please post them in the Bugs/Features forum so we can keep you up to date on them a little easier. :)
Thanks for pointing this out. It seems we're able to duplicate the error, so we'll look into it a little further and see what we can do to fix it so it is fully working.

If you see any more Bugs, please post them in the Bugs/Features forum so we can keep you up to date on them a little easier. :)

Thanks Androosh.

Wasn't sure if it was a bug, or just that I was missing some setting somewhere that allowed it to be displayed (or not).