Does anybody use these folks? I signed up for their free trial and it seems to me that their volume figures look a little different that the ones I see on my sierra charts screens with free trial data from MyTrack.

I don't know anything about them, just found them this morning searching through google for stuff about volume.
JumpOff said:
Does anybody use these folks? I signed up for their free trial and it seems to me that their volume figures look a little different that the ones I see on my sierra charts screens with free trial data from MyTrack.

I don't know anything about them, just found them this morning searching through google for stuff about volume.

Suppose it´s the data feed that differs depending who you use. End of day figures are more reliable. I´ve seen figures decreasing during a trading day as one example on "marketVolume" and that´s strange. If you´re looking at a certain stock it differs depending on where it´s traded. You get a hint but not the exact figures of the up/down and total volumes.
Thanks FTSE Beater. I'll try to remember to use the search feature next time!
I've been using the MV charts this morning, in addition to Tsim and dukascopy feeds. It helps.

Does anybody use these folks? I signed up for their free trial and it seems to me that their volume figures look a little different that the ones I see on my sierra charts screens with free trial data from MyTrack.

I don't know anything about them, just found them this morning searching through google for stuff about volume.

They "Modulate" volume. This is what differs them from others. See at
Technical Analysis, Studies, Indicators, Modulated Volume