marketmaker-cmc's new platform


Well-known member
Hi folks,
Not sure if this is the right place to ask but, if anyone can help....
Has anyone found 'Marketmaker' a little troublesome?

As soon as I ask it to do anything, my hard drive goes into hyperdrive and gets v. busy doing something. All the i/o resource
disappears, no keboard / dead gui etc.

If I nip off and make a cup of tea it just about manages to finish off all the activity until I press another button. The problem seems to get worse the longer I'm logged on.

I reckon they're just trying to wear out my hard drive (20Gig / ~10Gig used). :(
Thanks for any feedback.

Hiya Neil,

I don't run it that often but I haven't had any problems as yet.

Sorry I can't be of more help.
No such problems here either. I've run the software for several hours on a number of occasions and made a few trades at almost instant fill. (Using standard dial up modem)

The only problem's I'm having is working out how to save layouts etc. (but then I haven't read the software guide yet)

I've checked the ideal hardware requirements which are 1Ghz processer, 512mbRAM, windows 2000 or XP. You seem to be OK on hard disk space. If your'e running less than this, maybe this is something to do with it?
I've run this fine on a Duron 700, 384MB Ram, XP Pro

Additionally at the same time with TWS and Seirra open for 6 instruments without any bother at all.

What processor do you have?
How much RAM?
What are your virual memory settings?
Have you defragged your Hard Drive?

Thanks for your comments.
Looks like it must be my machine then.
Spec. is PII 450MHz with 128Mbytes RAM.
The virtual memory settings are 'automatic' I think, I'll have to check when I get home.

I haven't defragmented the disk for ages so that may be the problem.

Best Regards,
Looks like I'm under the required spec.

Minimum requirement is PIII 500MHz with 256MHz RAM according to the CD sleeve.
I feel an upgrade comming on.

What can I say. XP <b>needs</b> memory to feed on.

256mb is the absolute minimum, but remember these Java Apps run through a compiler and are thus not native Windows Code so require more processor umpth.

Hi Bansir,

I had exactly the same problem as you describe and it even caused problems with a couple of trades (to my detriment). The system froze and the trades somehow went through minutes later, even though I tried to cancel them.

I was running Windows 98SE on a laptop with a PIII 700MHZ processor and 128MB of RAM. I changed this to 256MB and it now works perfectly, even with a couple of Internet Explorer windows in the background, one with a streaming chart. I have run MarketMaker for several hours since the upgrade and now, the hard drive never seems to go into overdrive, as it did before.
I have a pentium 3 933 and 256mb on Windows ME. With an uncontended 56k modem connection I run CMC MM5, Sharescope Realtime and Proquote Level 2 all at once, on 4 Monitors, and have had no problems with MM5. I have run all this lot with the old CMC setup for a couple of years with no real problems. Every Saturday I defrag the PC. If I forget to do this the whole thing starts to jam up a couple of days later. I know absolutely nothing about PC's but it sounds like your problem is along this line.
Hi MiWeS & Catsdad100,

Thanks very much for your take on this.
I have finally managed to get back on my PC at home and have checked a few system details.

It's good news / not so good news.
First off, my processor is actually PIII but I only have 128Mbytes
of RAM.

Looks like a RAM upgrade is the first step. I'll also do a defrag.
I am running under Windows 98, and agree with JonnyT that this is perhaps not the most reliable OS, however i'm not trading for real at the moment so am not too worried about the occasional pile up.
I would prefer to use 2000 Pro if poss. rather than XP. A colleague at work uses XP and it always seems to be taking liberties via the ISDN.
I'll let you know if I get a decent improvement in performance.

Thanks once again to all,

Best Regards,