Mansions, money and not an of work for it!


Senior member
I love the UK, the workers get sod all except more taxation, and the scroungers get the mansions in London. Has anyone else read the article about the Afghan woman living a life of luxury (compared to a mud hut in Kabul) at the expense of the UK taxpayer?
I love the UK, the workers get sod all except more taxation, and the scroungers get the mansions in London. Has anyone else read the article about the Afghan woman living a life of luxury (compared to a mud hut in Kabul) at the expense of the UK taxpayer?

yep, I've now officially joined the "country's going down the pan" brigade.


lets face one fact.
The person at fault is not the Afghan woman.
We all want better lives and and the opportunity of bringing up our families in a prosperous country
If Switzerland offered a similar policy to us I would be off like a shot.
The Afghan woman has not committed fraud, stole or murdered to get to this position.
The perpetrator and cause of the problem is our government, and none other, and the anger and bad feelings should be directed to it.
lets face one fact.
The person at fault is not the Afghan woman.
We all want better lives and and the opportunity of bringing up our families in a prosperous country
If Switzerland offered a similar policy to us I would be off like a shot.
The Afghan woman has not committed fraud, stole or murdered to get to this position.
The perpetrator and cause of the problem is our government, and none other, and the anger and bad feelings should be directed to it.

I agree with you, that's why we're going down the pan.

Mind, there's always some wonder how desperate people end up half a world away when fleeing persecution. Don't know the details of this case though.

lets face one fact.
The person at fault is not the Afghan woman.
We all want better lives and and the opportunity of bringing up our families in a prosperous country
If Switzerland offered a similar policy to us I would be off like a shot.
The Afghan woman has not committed fraud, stole or murdered to get to this position.
The perpetrator and cause of the problem is our government, and none other, and the anger and bad feelings should be directed to it.

I agree. She's only taking what's on offer. We're all the same i suppose, take what you can when you can, and give sweet FA back. She should be proud of herself, she's done well.
I love the UK, the workers get sod all except more taxation, and the scroungers get the mansions in London. Has anyone else read the article about the Afghan woman living a life of luxury (compared to a mud hut in Kabul) at the expense of the UK taxpayer?

what do you object to?
the scrounging, or the fact it was an Afghan woman?

would it be any less objectionable if it was a home-grown chav? also at the expense of the UK tax-payer.
what do you object to?
the scrounging, or the fact it was an Afghan woman?

would it be any less objectionable if it was a home-grown chav? also at the expense of the UK tax-payer.

I object to the system and how it works. Last year there was a teacher who gave up a 28k a year teaching job, because the benefit system was a better deal. Nothing wrong in taking the best deal, but should it be this way?
people will take what's on offer, it's the systems fault. And because in these cases we're crippled by the fear of being called racist (you can see how this thread is going), nobody dares tackle it.

Inability to discuss stupid cases is what is inviting the BNP is to "power", IMHO.

Correct. Its not the Afghan womans fault. There are many such home-grown chavs.

This case is another example of the "Management-Contractor" nexus which is draining the UK Public funds and being used to line the pockets of unscrupulous scoundrels who have found loopholes in the system.

Its easy to see who is involved in this. The monthly rent paid is 12000 GBP for the house. Apart from the owner & the family, who else must be benefitting? who brought about this deal? hmmm!!

and... let me not talk about NHS IT Contracts or GP's !!!
people will take what's on offer, it's the systems fault. And because in these cases we're crippled by the fear of being called racist (you can see how this thread is going), nobody dares tackle it.

Inability to discuss stupid cases is what is inviting the BNP is to "power", IMHO.


Look at the state of the economy, and it's going to get worse for people. This is when people become radical, and parties like the BNP become more popular, especially when immagrants are living in mansions and war veterans, nurses, charity workers etc etc are living hand to mouth.
I agree with you, that's why we're going down the pan.

Mind, there's always some wonder how desperate people end up half a world away when fleeing persecution. Don't know the details of this case though.


Survival of the unfitest seems to be the way of the UK, it's doomed to failure at some point. I don't think it can be reversed, not without some real heavy handed tactics (which would be unthinkable). The system players breed, because it creates wealth and a standard of living for them, the tax payer/home owner can't afford children, so the decent people are being diluted out of society. It's a slow process, but when kids leaving school see what they may have to work for as opposed to the same standard of living that they don't have to work for, then you can always rely on human nature to go for the easy option.

Where does it all end?
I agree - and have ranted here on it before. I own a house on a former council estate, bought it off some chav who was sold it for £15000 just a couple of years ago. We're the only family on the estate with 1 car, and we don't wear designer clothes.
One woman on the estate, while complaining about how poor she is, what a struggle her life is, and how stingy the govt is, then went on to say she spends £60 a month on manicures! She has 3 kids from 3 different fathers.
And here we are with one kid, she's 2 years old and we're already putting away cash for her education, knowing that we couldn't possibly afford to do it for a second. We'll (hopefully) produce one confident, socially well-adjusted individual who can then bankroll the three chav-lings across the road so they can sponge off of the state.

Here's my take on the system. The system was introduced for the right reasons, to help families where one or both parents were unlucky enough to be out of work through redundancy or whatever. Some areas of the country seen a big collapse in industry and there was basically very little work until a new infrastucture was formed, which doesn't happen overnight. When some people have mouths to feed and there is no work, they turn to crime, so the government can only do a couple of things, one is to increase benefit payments or lock them up...jail. But, you can't give some people a better deal than others in terms of how much benefits they get and explain that one set of people are genuine and one set are not, it's got to apply accross the board. Then you have the single mum senario, where the father is living there and working, but not officially. It can't be stopped, it's an uncontrollable monster. I've given a basic view here and i'm sure there are more ways of using the system. How can it be stopped without some pretty radical measures being introduced?
I love the UK, the workers get sod all except more taxation, and the scroungers get the mansions in London. Has anyone else read the article about the Afghan woman living a life of luxury (compared to a mud hut in Kabul) at the expense of the UK taxpayer?

Its not the Afghan women who the main person benefiting from this, shes getting a clean house to live in, it might have posh high ceilings but at the end of the day its just a nice house to her. The guy who is laughing all the way to the bank is the Landlord, 150K a year in rent!

The tax system in the UK is biased against the hard worker and in favour of those who own land and property.. We need to reduce income tax and introduce a land tax, but its probably never going to happen.
Its not the Afghan women who the main person benefiting from this, shes getting a clean house to live in, it might have posh high ceilings but at the end of the day its just a nice house to her. The guy who is laughing all the way to the bank is the Landlord, 150K a year in rent!

The tax system in the UK is biased against the hard worker and in favour of those who own land and property.. We need to reduce income tax and introduce a land tax, but its probably never going to happen.

Wasn't the landlord receiving double rent for them?
I love the UK, the workers get sod all except more taxation, and the scroungers get the mansions in London. Has anyone else read the article about the Afghan woman living a life of luxury (compared to a mud hut in Kabul) at the expense of the UK taxpayer?

Its a crazy world. But as seen as it was this country that decided to bomb her country to ****......................
Its a crazy world. But as seen as it was this country that decided to bomb her country to ****......................

She moved here 8 years ago, i'm not sure if we had sent in the demolition crew to Afghanistan that early. Besides, i don't agree with the war, so i don't know why i should have an obligation to pay for refugees of the war.
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