I'm sure there are some VERY successful traders on this forum. I'm looking for someone who is a real trader, very successsful, to mentor and teach me trading as a full time career, get me to a stage where I begin to trade and start earning an income. I'm already an intermediaate FX trader, understand technical analysis and all the core principles of trading psychology, trade and risk management, money management etc...... I now need to go to the next level which is to trade full time aand generate a consistent income from it, I presume this requires learning the right strategies, strategies that work, that only real, successful traders will know.
Is there anyone out there who would be interested? If yes, post a private message to me. We can discuss the terms / conditions. BTW, I'm based in the UK.
Rgds BaFX
I'm sure there are some VERY successful traders on this forum. I'm looking for someone who is a real trader, very successsful, to mentor and teach me trading as a full time career, get me to a stage where I begin to trade and start earning an income. I'm already an intermediaate FX trader, understand technical analysis and all the core principles of trading psychology, trade and risk management, money management etc...... I now need to go to the next level which is to trade full time aand generate a consistent income from it, I presume this requires learning the right strategies, strategies that work, that only real, successful traders will know.
Is there anyone out there who would be interested? If yes, post a private message to me. We can discuss the terms / conditions. BTW, I'm based in the UK.
Rgds BaFX