Looking for some proffesional help

Hi Guys
I appreciate this is a big shout, however being 17 and having a working ethos in me I have found, after studying at college for the past 6 months education is not for me.

My dream for the past years has to become a day trader within the city, however I am aware this is only possible with a degree. I know the only way in is to start at the bottom, i.e tea boy and work my way up.

So basically what I am asking you if by any chance at all you know anyone the may know someone, so I can contact them to get my foot on the ladder to working within an investment bank or hedge fund.

I appreciate you do not know me in person and I have only just joined.

Thanks for your time and I hope you will reply with any sort of response.


Without A-levels, let alone a degree you're really going to struggle. When I've employed people, no matter what the role I would look to se whether they can stick at what they're doing. 6 months and dropping out would suggest on paper at least that you haven't got the gumption to stick at something, and would stop me employing you even at tea-boy grade. If you don't want to carry on at college, best advice I can give would be to get some sort of office job and get yourself some sort of track record. After a couple of years you might be able to demonstrate commitment.

As it is, I'd be really surprised if anyone would even take you on for free.
The old "tea boy and work your way up" doesnt exist anymore.
You need to go back to college.
Short term pain for long term gain I am afraid.
Good luck.
Why on earth would you NOT want to go to Uni ?

Sit around for 3 years watching countdown, getting hammered at Student nights for a quid a pint, lying in bed till midday just cos it's raining .... and then doing a couple of months hard work at the end to avoid a b0llocking from your parents.

Job or student life. I know what I'd choose again.
i agree so much with the above post !

Unfortunately, you only realise how easy is the uni life only when you start working :p
Professional!!!!!!!! Yes, study hard or the nearest you will get to the City is Cardboard City! Unless you already have money to play with (100k+) in that case there's plenty of sharks around who will help you spend your money on one of their 'Rags to Riches' courses!
Well you have done the hard bit George,knowing what it is you want to do.
Took me years before i found my vocation.
Now you can focus on how to get there,
Goodluck bud
The competition for trading jobs in the City is quite steep. Employers will be looking for ways to shortlist candidates and these days the level & quality of education (amongst others) is one of the criteria used.
Speak to some recruiters and get information about the skill /education level that some of the people who work in the City possess - that will be an eye opener

Goodluck Goerge