looking for past NETPICKS key numbers


Junior member

I'm experimenting with NETPICKS e-mini service. Their DAX and EURO STOXX 50 results are outstanding. I would like to back test their results to see if I get the same trades that they post on their web site's trading log. The problem is that they do not give out their past key numbers so I could only test my 2 week trial period.

I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out with PAST NETPICKS KEY NUMBERS for the S&P e-mini, DOW e-mini, RUSSEL e-mini, EURO STOXX, DAX. Especially for the last two! If I receive enough past key numbers to be able to produce a meaningful analysis I will post my findings.


herringtrader said:

I'm experimenting with NETPICKS e-mini service. Their DAX and EURO STOXX 50 results are outstanding. I would like to back test their results to see if I get the same trades that they post on their web site's trading log. The problem is that they do not give out their past key numbers so I could only test my 2 week trial period.

I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out with PAST NETPICKS KEY NUMBERS for the S&P e-mini, DOW e-mini, RUSSEL e-mini, EURO STOXX, DAX. Especially for the last two! If I receive enough past key numbers to be able to produce a meaningful analysis I will post my findings.


Is this the same as UTM, have tested and applied their strategy to Dax, seems o.k for the time being, am not quite sure if netpick guys actually trade dax and all other markets with real money, or are just reading off from end of day charts.
What Key numbers you are looking for?

No I am not talking about UTM. Netpicks.com has an emini mechanical system that you can subscribe for. Anyway I tested the system on the DAX and the EUROSTOXX for 2 months.The posted result for the DAX and the EUROSTOXX are fabricated results. Customer service is a joke. The calculation mistakes that they make seem to be genuine mistakes at first. Than you ask them hey you guys did not calculate the stop good I got stopped out you did not. Off course they do not reply, no explanation is given. The trick is the following: There is a strict process of how to calculate the profit target the stop loss, how to trail the stop.etc... It is a meckanical system no subjectivity is involved. You will notice that they usually calculate the same way as you do but sometimes 2-3 times a week they make some little mistake. First you think it is a genuine calculating mistake then after a while you realise they do it on purpose to boost performance results. For a while I thought I had different results because I use Interactivebrokers data feed. I got Esignal data feed as well and checked all the calculations on those data feeds aslo. They are making on purpose little mistakes every other day to make the performance perfect. They are a bunch of crooks!!! I wasted 2 months, countless hours of back testing on their bull**** system. I cannot imagine how these immoral *******s can still be in business after 10 years. Just imagine what that UTM software will do to you. You can might as well shoot yourself in the head!!!