London Trading Jobs


Junior member
Does anyone have any advice for finding a trading position in London, either at one of the investment houses or perhaps even the prop trading firms? I'm looking for actual contact details of Human Resources, Head of Treasury, Traders .etc. to whom I can send my CV. Any good recruitment agencies or websites anyone can recommend. Does anyone have a list or is there some sort of UK traders directory?
Any help or info will be much appreciated.
roguetrader100 said:
Does anyone have any advice for finding a trading position in London, either at one of the investment houses or perhaps even the prop trading firms? I'm looking for actual contact details of Human Resources, Head of Treasury, Traders .etc. to whom I can send my CV. Any good recruitment agencies or websites anyone can recommend. Does anyone have a list or is there some sort of UK traders directory?
Any help or info will be much appreciated.

Look, you want to get into a career where you use your own judgment and intelligence right??? well why not start by searching the net????? anyone with even 1% of a clue would first check the members list on LIFFE.....hmmmm it might be a difficult ride
well maybe you could see he was from south africa and that he may not even know about the LIFFE list but then anyone with 1% of intelligence would know that hey robertal!!! give him a break he's trying to find a job your post was of no help

maybe try

but any one with a <1% intelligence would realise that milkround is not as good as LIFFE if you want to be a trader..... I did what robertral mentioned and got offers from several prop firms...

as for roguetrader100, the main question is where do you want to work??

Sorry to disappoint you chaps but I've already checked the LIFFE Membership list, internet .etc. and have managed to put something together from that. The thing is that I was looking for something new, something extra, something useful that I couldn't just find on the net .etc. so Robertral stay off my f*cking reply list. For your info, I've previously worked on the trading floor of LIFFE when it was still open outcry and have also traded equities on the NYSE, so although I'm still some SA idiot trying to find a trading position, I'm perhaps not as big an idiot as you originally thought.
Thanks to the others, will check milkround out. Cheers.

if you search on trader you will see quite a few jobs, most requiring some experience or advanced mathematical skill. as you already know, that's just the way it is...
