Hi all well I have some news those of you looking to raise some quick cash, offshoretruth website (.com) is ending its offer of major bank account with overdraft facility. Anyone who can deposit gbp £500 gets a Euro offshore account with a bank in Cyprus (part of Europe) with internet banking and visa debit card etc, as well as a guaranteed overdraft or loan for 2500 euros. My account works great and If I treat it well I can increase the credit next year. There was no credit checks as long as you can open the deposit account and pay their fee of £295 you are guaranteed to be accepted. The deposit is in my name and earns interest at the bank. You will need to provide valid ID and proof of address also. They accept US and UK residents, as well as many other countries. Please mention me if you apply as I get a £30 rebate for each new referral? And you have to pay using a credit or debit card or paypal. Thanks and good luck