Lets talk 6e


Hello, This is my first post to the forum. I am looking for information about the 6e. I am interested in the basics. Hope some in this forum are familiar with it. Many thanks!
When you say the 6E I asume you are refering to the EUR/USD currency futures?

You can probably widen your search for info to anything currency related but also would definately look at the difference between trading spot and fuutres. Each have their distinct pros and cons.
- 6E is the Globex Euro FX futures contract, daily av vol about 180,000 see:
Welcome to Barchart.com EURO FX (E6U9) click on C
very thin vol during evening hours, best trading range often begin 2am est,
highest vol for the day often noon est - end of european business day
market closed 5pm - 6pm est otherwise forex hours
- minimum account margin $2 - 5,000, day trade margin $500, o-n $3500 ?
roundturn commission - in and out - is about $4.50 per contract
When you say the 6E I asume you are refering to the EUR/USD currency futures?

You can probably widen your search for info to anything currency related but also would definately look at the difference between trading spot and fuutres. Each have their distinct pros and cons.

Thank you for your reply. I think that's what confuses me. Eur/Usd fx futures.... I didn't realize it was currency. What is spot vs. futures?
- 6E is the Globex Euro FX futures contract, daily av vol about 180,000 see:
Welcome to Barchart.com EURO FX (E6U9) click on C
very thin vol during evening hours, best trading range often begin 2am est,
highest vol for the day often noon est - end of european business day
market closed 5pm - 6pm est otherwise forex hours
- minimum account margin $2 - 5,000, day trade margin $500, o-n $3500 ?
roundturn commission - in and out - is about $4.50 per contract

Thank you for your reply. That's great information!