Trader333 said:
As it turns out I am working my way through the No Indicators thread at around 5 pages a day and I am currently up to page 30 but have not reached your posts yet. I will just have to wait to understand all the "esoteric riddles" that appear to be being posted.
Hello, I promise you there are no esoteric riddles for the sake of riddles.
It is just that some individuals(because they are ready for it) immediately
snap at it and are able to have meaningful realisations,and, as a consequence
of this because thery are properly developed,
identify and ascertain hidden meanings in nanoseconds, or back engineered,
or whatever.
The others fall into three categories,
First of all we have the dunces, these fall into two sub divisions:
The rude and disrespectful and the imperinent and the impatient and so on,
and in the second category, also as a consequence of not being ready for it either.
The other lot.:
They blunder in and make posts out of context with what is being openly discussed,
but unfortunately for them it would appear as if it is written in a language that they do not
understand. But everything is explained very clearly, but very few understand it.
Then there is the third category: these are the serial snipers that patrol the boards,
looking for targets in which to make snide one liners of no value to anyone.
All of these get short shrift immediately.
We are only interested in identifying individual with special faculties.
We are only interested in individuals devoted to the pursuit of excellence
through self development, and not dunces, or snipers.
This is not our fault ~ it is theirs, but, I may add, as it is the fashion
of the age not to take any responsibility for one's actions wherever and whenever
possible, and to try to "dumb down" what ought not to be.
We are becoming inceasingly fussy as to who we admit and who not
to the highest level of darksiding, as we recognise, it is only for very few
who can aspire and then even fewer who can earn the right to be invited.