just needed to moan!


gutted! anybody see RR.L go 30+ pts up today? i had a LO in ready to buy at a slightly cheaper price never got touched and boom the price went up :-( feel so sad that i didnt get in, @least i know my "system" works. lol

sorry i know its totally random saying that but i needed someway of venting my negative mojo :cheesy:

pietro said:
gutted! anybody see RR.L go 30+ pts up today? i had a LO in ready to buy at a slightly cheaper price never got touched and boom the price went up :-( feel so sad that i didnt get in, @least i know my "system" works. lol

sorry i know its totally random saying that but i needed someway of venting my negative mojo :cheesy:


It's tough when things like that happen. However, as you say, it does prove that your "system" works -that's the important thing. So, therefore it should pick up the next move like this - Remember, there's always another trade just around the corner - waiting for you..... to make a fortune! Happy hunting :cheesy:

Search4Truth said:

Does it really work because any system only works if you get in at the right point?

I was having some personal help with entry levels on Thursday and learned a lot from another member of these boards but they have not allowed me to say who they are

S4T Hi, when i said my "system" works it was more to do with the fact that the portfolio i have put together along with all the math's and analysis behind its creation would\is starting to pay off and beginning to show dividends. The actual system its self is just a few indicators and my judgement.
When it comes to entry levels well im slightly more cowboy(ish) to this task and once there is a reasonable dip and im going long then buy, although saying that i stuck to my LO on the RR.L trade and didn't get in 🙁 so im contradicting my self there but anyways there will be others 🙂
