Hi There,
Just curious really about how many of you, now trading, made the jump from back/middle to front office (in any capacity!!)?
I had the "unfortunate"** experience of leaving uni and going straight into a front office environment (I was part of the ill-fated Nymex Europe set up -trade reporter in the pit) only to be let go when it collapsed and have since moved to the back office of an investment bank, trying my best to network and endear myself to all around me in the hope that an internal vacancy in f/o pops up!
** I say "unfortunate" due to the fact I believed Nymex would work and it was my ticket from reporter to clerk to jnr trader to, well you get where this is going....
Only for it to blow up in my face, dream dead/supressed-for-awhile
God I miss the banter of the floor!!!!! :cheesy:
Just curious really about how many of you, now trading, made the jump from back/middle to front office (in any capacity!!)?
I had the "unfortunate"** experience of leaving uni and going straight into a front office environment (I was part of the ill-fated Nymex Europe set up -trade reporter in the pit) only to be let go when it collapsed and have since moved to the back office of an investment bank, trying my best to network and endear myself to all around me in the hope that an internal vacancy in f/o pops up!
** I say "unfortunate" due to the fact I believed Nymex would work and it was my ticket from reporter to clerk to jnr trader to, well you get where this is going....
Only for it to blow up in my face, dream dead/supressed-for-awhile
God I miss the banter of the floor!!!!! :cheesy: