John Thomas: Macro Millionaire

From what I see through Google searches, I think that John Thomas is a fraud.

On page
He notes that he founded his hedge fund in 1990.

On page Mad Hedge Fund Trader - Seeking Alpha
his bio states, "With the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, Thomas was drafted by the US Marine Corp to serve as a pilot." Besides the OBVIOUS problem that the military draft ended in 1973, the US involvement ground combat portion of the First Gulf War lasted "only" from mid-January to late February 1991 and the actual Iraq invasion was in August 1990. Even taking the earlier date, there was barely time to "draft" and train people - if there actually had been a draft. I know that he also claims to be a commercial airline pilot, but still you HAVE to do the training to learn the military side of it (... and 'you don't join the Marines, you become one' by going THROUGH the training. NO ONE skips it.) If you were drafted into it, you'd KNOW that Marine Corps has a silent "s" at the end. Yes, that could be just a typo.

The timeline has him running his hedge fund remotely from Kuwait while waiting for the next sortie. I simply don't believe it - there was no draft and the timeline doesn't work.

In the Seeking Alpha bio, he also says that he authored books about the "Japanese financial system" still in use by business schools today, but I can't find them on amazon or Lookup by ISBN: Your no nonsense search tool (try john thomas aging - a different John Thomas, then try john thomas japan). They don't exist.
What is his new hedge fund - founded in 2007 per seeking alpha? It DOESN'T seem to be John Thomas Financial. Then again, maybe it was founded (late) in 2008 as it says in the bio on
I say late in 08 because the bio says after the collapse. But what's one year? And if I'm to be picky, that last bio claims "over 40 years experience in global financial markets." But the Seeking Alpha says that he graduated from UCLA in 1974 with majors in biochemistry and math... musta been a busy sophomore year or maybe freshman/high school if that bio's been up a while.
Overall, there are a lot of seeming inconsistencies and exaggerations in his bios.
From what I see through Google searches, I think that John Thomas is a fraud.

On page
He notes that he founded his hedge fund in 1990.

On page Mad Hedge Fund Trader - Seeking Alpha
his bio states, "With the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, Thomas was drafted by the US Marine Corp to serve as a pilot." Besides the OBVIOUS problem that the military draft ended in 1973, the US involvement ground combat portion of the First Gulf War lasted "only" from mid-January to late February 1991 and the actual Iraq invasion was in August 1990. Even taking the earlier date, there was barely time to "draft" and train people - if there actually had been a draft. I know that he also claims to be a commercial airline pilot, but still you HAVE to do the training to learn the military side of it (... and 'you don't join the Marines, you become one' by going THROUGH the training. NO ONE skips it.) If you were drafted into it, you'd KNOW that Marine Corps has a silent "s" at the end. Yes, that could be just a typo.

The timeline has him running his hedge fund remotely from Kuwait while waiting for the next sortie. I simply don't believe it - there was no draft and the timeline doesn't work.

In the Seeking Alpha bio, he also says that he authored books about the "Japanese financial system" still in use by business schools today, but I can't find them on amazon or Lookup by ISBN: Your no nonsense search tool (try john thomas aging - a different John Thomas, then try john thomas japan). They don't exist.
What is his new hedge fund - founded in 2007 per seeking alpha? It DOESN'T seem to be John Thomas Financial. Then again, maybe it was founded (late) in 2008 as it says in the bio on
I say late in 08 because the bio says after the collapse. But what's one year? And if I'm to be picky, that last bio claims "over 40 years experience in global financial markets." But the Seeking Alpha says that he graduated from UCLA in 1974 with majors in biochemistry and math... musta been a busy sophomore year or maybe freshman/high school if that bio's been up a while.
Overall, there are a lot of seeming inconsistencies and exaggerations in his bios.

The guy sounds like a complete joker, there must be some sort of mental condition that these guys have. If they're not claiming to be world champions they're claiming they've discovered secret Nazi boxes. I'm surprised he wasn't at the fall of Saigon as well.
I agree, Boyles.
I'd never claim to have been there at the fall of Saigon (which was 1975), but I did visit 'sunny southeast Asia' during 1970/71 in the US Army, courtesy of my Uncle Sam. I admit to being sensitive to fakers and wannabes who never served in the military, but for example claim to have been awarded the Medal of Honor (US-based ones). It was really the "drafted" into the Marine Corp (sic) comment that first caught my attention. That simply can NOT be true.
So my opinion is he's not telling the truth. At the very least, a substantial exaggerator.

This game is full of fakes. They are just out to steal your money, whatever you do don't give them a penny.
I had followed his newsletter for a while. I think what he meant by being "drafted" was just a way of saying he was asked to fly and was pulled back into service. One of his recent anecdotes was being pulled over by a traffic cop who had been a jarhead. John Thomas mentioned he was a former officer in the marines and the cop said he wasn't fond of officers and pushed up his fine. He had a dummy in his car too and speeding in the carpool lane.

By that time I really didn't care if his stories made sense or not. I was losing money with his trades and he wasn't following up on them as well as when he first started his round of getting subscriptions. Yes I was fooled. Even if he was a hedge fund manager , he's obviously not now, and his ideas don't work right now just as a lot of other funds can't make sense of the current market.