John Paulson What do you think?


Active member
John Paulson has been reported by to the new Warren Buffett, the Master of Investing a Genius a God.

I think that all that is completely rubbish before the Economic Crisis no one knew about him, to be honest that no one knew about him has nothing to do with being a very good investors or having the status of a Master Investors. The fact is that he had been trading for very long in 1994 he started his own fund but previously had been working for a bank and before the bank for a consulting group so before 2007 he had been trading around 20 years. Definitely enough time to have experience and enough time to become a well known investor.

Before the melt down his investment record was ok, I read on an article that I have not been able to find that his investment record was around 15% since inception, I think that is a very good record but nothing to do with the Master Status that they are giving him, this is the reason George Soros 30%, Peter Lynch 29%, Warren Buffett 24% etc...
If you read this article ( is very clear that he did not make the money because he was a genius it was more because Goldman Sachs wanted to make as much money as it could so they gave advice to the Hedge Funds to short CDOs that they knew that were not worth anything since they were the ones selling them to other institutions the CDOs.

Paulson Return on the year of collapse was 432 very similar to the 15% that he had been getting.

What do you think is he a GENEIOUS or is he an IMPOSTOR?
I think Buffett and Paulson have different styles so its not easy to compare.
Buffett is a value investor in businesses making money compound over time, whereas so far as I am aware, Paulson is a 'special situation trader'.
I think Buffett and Paulson have different styles so its not easy to compare.
Buffett is a value investor in businesses making money compound over time, whereas so far as I am aware, Paulson is a 'special situation trader'.

I agree about that but what happen with Paulson did he not found any situation for twenty years.
I think Paulson capitalized on a once in a life time opportunity - and played it BIG with the help of Goldman finding him the liquidity to put the trade on (by puffing a naive counterparty into the trade!)
Hat off to him really but as another poster said it's hard to compare him to Buffet.. They are playing different games but on the same pitch!
I think Paulson capitalized on a once in a life time opportunity - and played it BIG with the help of Goldman finding him the liquidity to put the trade on (by puffing a naive counterparty into the trade!)
Hat off to him really but as another poster said it's hard to compare him to Buffet.. They are playing different games but on the same pitch!

Easy to compare him Maddoff , after the shady Goldman's toxic waste packaging.You could easily compare the lot with the inmates at Alcatraz.
Easy to compare him Maddoff , after the shady Goldman's toxic waste packaging.You could easily compare the lot with the inmates at Alcatraz.

I don't think so. I think that was a lot of politics concerning only Goldmans not Paulson.
Paulson saw the opportunity in good time and had the balls and vision to build the
trade and stick with it till he won through.
I think that he had some advantage. Anyway I was not trying to compare him to Warren Buffett, I agree that they have different strategies and so on, but at the end of the day they are booth investors and Paulson is not even a shadow of not only Warren Buffett but to many other investors. What I was saying is if you guys think that he has the status of Master Investor like the media is making of him. Personally I dont think so and is not even close to the level of Livermore, Soros, Lynch, Warren and many others that I forgot that are consider the best investors ever.