From Sunny Cataluña.
God knows what it's like further south.
"Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun"
I must have some exercise, so that is what I am going to do.
Effing hot here too !!
Make sure you don't overdue it Splitto - the oldies are dropping like flies over here.
Time for a midday snooze in the shade under the tree.
It does not jive with 27% out of work.
Knowing you, I am surprised that you are not blaming the EU. When I was young we used to blame the Communists.
I went to the park and it seemed as if those flies were dropping on me!
People are going on holiday- The Ramblas was full of tourists, yesterday , and Spaniards are going away, too, judging by the empty parking slots around.
It does not jive with 27% out of work.
That made me laugh I reckon Split has got you well figured out Pat
Over here in sunny Worthing showing 25C on the thermo., and that's in the shade. Must be near 30 I reckon. We are just going to the sea-front to have a dip and play some frisby.
thats going to be our competition...all those people thinking they can make a quick killing in the markets.
I heard it was worse than 27%, or maybe it was just the demographic.
Wot me ?
Only 27% unemployed ?
That's 50% + of youngsters.
UKIP here is trying to stop those clowns on the EU Supreme Court setting free our mass murderers ! They should be on a funny farm - the idiots !!
But don't let me deprive the brainwashed masses of giving up putting their lunatics on the Supreme Council and our loonies letting them get away with it. It took 7 1/2 years and 1.5 million of taxpayer's money to extradite that Al Quaeda killer. The Supremos thought the Jordanians might say nasty things to the weirdo !
Oh no we had to reassure them he could have his life of luxury extended on an overseas trip, waited on by hand and foot !
Dish out the retribution that he would of done and judge a man by his own standards imo i.e. a not-too-quick but violent end ! None of the pseudo Christian forgiveness please or he could be back.
Puke or what
Oh and have nice paddle At but remember that's EU fishing water - not ours any more !! So do pee in it if you feel the desire to !!
That made me laugh I reckon Split has got you well figured out Pat
Over here in sunny Worthing showing 25C on the thermo., and that's in the shade. Must be near 30 I reckon. We are just going to the sea-front to have a dip and play some frisby.
hey Atilla .......are you based in worthing ?.......i'm near chichester
I've got couple of weeks holiday in August and was thinking of cycling there along the Wessex downs.
Let's meet up for a drink if you like.
Well, I haven't read this thread and I don't know about the correlation of employment to the height of the mercury, but I'm sure there is a strong downward trend in productivity as average temps go higher. I'd bet on that.
Yes, it's hot outside. Almost 32c here (40c+ w/humidity) and the AC is compensating just enough. Good times.
I'm not so sure on that relationship VielGeld.
During the winter I cycle harder to keep warm.
Durint the summer I cycle harder to catch the wind.
What I can say with certainty is wind in the rear is more preferable to moon walking into head on wind.
From Sunny Cataluña.
God knows what it's like further south.
"Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun"
I must have some exercise, so that is what I am going to do.