Investors Business Daily


Junior member
I have come across a publication called Investors Business Daily. It looks great and has some information I have interpreted as being useful. The reviews I found are pretty good too but I have only been learning about trading for 6 months so what I interpret as good may actually be crap.

Has anyone else looked into IBD and would recommend it as a form of research? Any information is appreciated!
Looks like nobody is going to answer your question.

30 years ago, IBD was one of a kind, and to many people it was indispensable. But then there just wasn't much else. And IBD was one of the few sources that attempted to explain just how the market works. And CANSLIM was unique, a useful tool for beginning and experienced investors/traders, particularly as it sidestepped the arguments of fundamentals vs technicals by combining them into something that, at the time, was more powerful than either.

However, the internet bubble changed all that. Fundamentals were pretty much tossed out the window, and IBD was faced with watching the parade pass it by. To meet this challenge, it took a more "momentum" approach. This helped, but by 1997, online streaming charts were becoming commonplace, and IBD just couldn't keep up. Nobody really needed it anymore.

So, yes, IBD may offer something of value, but given the nature of the internet, using it for stock selection is almost quaint.
