The "Investing Ideas" have two portfolios, one for Shares and one for ETFs.
Each Portfolio have $ 100,000 USD.
Each entry corresponds to 10% of the portfolio, to be fully exposed is necessary to have 10 positions in each portfolio.
"Investing in ETFs" is a medium risk investment portfolio.
In this portfolio are traded ETFs listed on U.S. market
"Investing in shares" is a medium/high risk investment portfolio.
In this portfolio are traded shares listed on U.S. market, some shares with high volatility.
The trading commissions are $ 7.50 USD.
All businesses have a written supplement placed before or a few days after the entry.
Generally, low-risk investments have a higher level of security for investor but tend to have a lower return.
High-risk investments, on the other hand, can bring a higher return, but with a much higher degree of uncertainty, which may cause heavy losses to investors.
All entries and exits must be written first in forum and are limited to the next opening, so every business can be seen before materialize.
In practice, this rule makes the results are seen always rounded by default, which endows them complete validity and realism.
Each Portfolio have $ 100,000 USD.
Each entry corresponds to 10% of the portfolio, to be fully exposed is necessary to have 10 positions in each portfolio.
"Investing in ETFs" is a medium risk investment portfolio.
In this portfolio are traded ETFs listed on U.S. market
"Investing in shares" is a medium/high risk investment portfolio.
In this portfolio are traded shares listed on U.S. market, some shares with high volatility.
The trading commissions are $ 7.50 USD.
All businesses have a written supplement placed before or a few days after the entry.
Generally, low-risk investments have a higher level of security for investor but tend to have a lower return.
High-risk investments, on the other hand, can bring a higher return, but with a much higher degree of uncertainty, which may cause heavy losses to investors.
All entries and exits must be written first in forum and are limited to the next opening, so every business can be seen before materialize.
In practice, this rule makes the results are seen always rounded by default, which endows them complete validity and realism.
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