Introduction to Investing


Junior member
I would be interested to hear from anyone who has the expertise and confidence, to present an introductory course to potential investors. The course would need to cover the fundamentals i.e. How markets work, dealing through brokers or on-line, when to buy, to sell, hold, stop losses etc.
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warregui said:
I would be interested to hear from anyone who has the expertise and confidence, to present an introductory course to potential investors. The course would need to cover the fundamentals i.e. How markets work, dealing through brokers or on-line, when to buy, to sell, hold, stop losses etc.

Go to "Discussion" at top of the page, then click on "Boards" and select whatever topic you want.

It's all free and all there. All you have to do is sift through it selecting items to suit your knowledge requirements.

There is even a beginners board "First steps" I believe.