Intraday Chart website


Junior member
Hi There,

As a newbie to this, I was trying to find out if there exists a website, ( as cheaply priced as possible ), that enables me to follow a realtime chart of the FTSE 100 index, and allows me to apply a moving average to it. The closest I've found so far is

Kevin Summons-Walsh.
my first question is " do you really need real time?"
for scalping , maybe. Is that what you want to do ?

otherwise tons of free stuff is available on 1 min update
and with auto refresh more than adequate for most traders.

as a 'newbie' it may be best to try intraday position trading fiirst ?

anyway here is an example of what is available. With a little knowledge of html you can add indicators at will.

<img src=""></img>
Thanks, guys.

No, I don't need realtime, but something faster than a 15 minute delay. Also, I don't know anything about html. Bonsai, your chart is exactly what I'm looking for.


this is an experiment.
I'm not even sure I am allowed to do this sort of thing here but if you sit and watch this it will refresh this chart every 60 seconds.
Unfortunately it will also refresh the whole thread, so I may have to remove it soon. leave a message when you have seen it please.
<img border=0 src="$indu&cbcku=FFFFFF&cbckl=EBF5FF&cbckd=cccc99&ctxtu=000000&ctxtd=000000&ctxtl=000000&csym1=000099&csym3=000000&cbckg=FFFFFF&cind7a=FF0033&cind7=009900&cind8=blu&cind9=6666CC&avg1=30&avg2=89&ind7=macd&periodMACDLow=55&periodMACDHigh=89&height=400&width=550&source=SP&multipane=1&watermark=splogoblue.gif&dres=min&plottype=range&ignore=1220025226&dperiod=days&coname=1&image=PNG"></img>
have taken out the code for refresh, so back to normal viewing and 'be positive' can take his time ? :LOL:
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these particular charts come from
<a href="">Stockpoint</a>
but you can also get 1 min charts all over the place. but you could start here
<a href="">Bigcharts</a>
<a href="^FTSE&d=c&k=c3&t=1d&l=on&z=l&q=l">Yahoo</a>

if you do not yet know how to paste charts you will have to refresh or download an auto refresh utility
<a href="">Here is one</a>

if you know how to paste charts then drop the url's into notepad and write your own html refresh routine.
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I've been following Bonsai's thread on creating your own intraday charts - the man's a genius !
However, I've found everything I need at Bonsai's Yahoo link above - near realtime, moving averages, Parabolic SAR, MACD.