Integration Report


Active member
Forget bots, algorithms, oscillators, and all other "upward" or "downward" studies.

HONESTY is the highest form of technology.

"Technology" is the materialization of an idea whose purpose is to maximize efficiency in the pursuit of happiness. If you possess the ability to materialize honesty you have created the most efficient engine to that end.

In that, I dare you to assert that honesty and efficiency are not intimately related.
In that, I dare you to assert that honesty and efficiency are not intimately related.

If my wife asks me to take out the garbage and I lie and say I'm in a hot trade and I can't leave the computer right now, then she ends up taking out the garbage.

Job done and I didn't have to lift a finger. It doesn't get any more efficient than that. What's this honesty stuff??

My wife puts the garbage bag just inside the door of my office. and says, "You've forgotten to take out the garbage". She doesn't want to hear about hot trades, if there is any money made she'll get it, anyway.

She's dishonest by using the word "forgotten" We both know that that is not true, but she is getting the job done, isn't she?