Info on the Emini S&P

Hello everyone,

I am very new to trading (in fact I haven't even started yet) and I'm trying to learn about the Emini S&P 500. Can anyone direct me to useful resources or books that might help me?

Hello everyone,

I am very new to trading (in fact I haven't even started yet) and I'm trying to learn about the Emini S&P 500. Can anyone direct me to useful resources or books that might help me?


Start with the CME website.

There are some threads on Elite Trader that might be worth looking at under the futures section.

What do you want to know?
Thank you Jimmy!

I'll start there. What platforms do you recommend?

It depends. Lions Futures are fine and you get Open E-cry and all data for no charge. On the downside, you pay more in commissions ($4.90).

Interactive Brokers are better if you're trading bigger - their TWS is nice enough to use.

Or you can spread bet it if you want, IG is pretty good as far as it goes. Probably a good option while you find your feet.
yes, ESPECIALLY mr charts

P.S. no idea how anyone could trade ES on rates like that...
Hi. I'm all set up to trade. Now all I have to do is find a good trading room. Sure I can spend years of learning how to profit from the S&P emini's, but I prefer to follow someone who is already profitable. For a reasonable monthly trade room fee it would be well worth it. If you say that there is no such thing as a profitable trade room then trading emini's for profit is not possible. Next you will say that if someone if making money trading emini's why is the world would they open up a trade room and share their knowledge? When all is said and done I hope I can still find a good trading room.
Hi. I'm all set up to trade. Now all I have to do is find a good trading room. Sure I can spend years of learning how to profit from the S&P emini's, but I prefer to follow someone who is already profitable. For a reasonable monthly trade room fee it would be well worth it. If you say that there is no such thing as a profitable trade room then trading emini's for profit is not possible. Next you will say that if someone if making money trading emini's why is the world would they open up a trade room and share their knowledge? When all is said and done I hope I can still find a good trading room.
