IMC study material


Hi all.

I'm in the penultimate year of my graduate degree in humanities and want to take the IMC exam later this year with the aim of finding an investment-related job when I finish my degree. But I don't know what study material to use.

The CFA UK offers an 'Official Training Manual' (OTM) for £130. I've done a lot of search but I've not seen any comments as to whether if anyone has used it and if so, if it's any good. There is no sample pdf, not even from previous years. My safest bet would be to get a distance study package from one of the third-party providers like BPP/Kaplan/7City, but they all cost around £350–400.

I will probably go for BPP but is it worth getting the otm as well? Is there anyone who has done the IMC and seen the otm? FYI I have taught myself economics and finance for a while so am not a complete newbie who needs to be spoon-fed.

I will be grateful for any feedback you may have.

I would go with distance learning from one of the reputable names personally, rather than the CFA. I think that you will get more support, and I have doubts about the quality of the questions (and in some cases the accuracy of the answers!!!!!) from the CFA (based on people I know who have taken the CFA admittedly, not the IMC).

Thanks GammaJammer. I don't think I'll bother with the official manual. I'll go with BPP or something; it will give me a lot more extras than just textbooks. T
Well I used BPP for my IMC training last year. As far as i know, BPP are the best in terms of the preparation they provide. I did however speak to an individual who had exposure to both 7city and BPP and she felt 7city had better learning materials. So I would choose between the two.
Personally, I wouldn't bother with the Official Training Manual. The entire package provided by the aforementioned distance learining providers is more than sufficient to learn the material rigerously and effectively, and ultimately pass well.
Well I used BPP for my IMC training last year. As far as i know, BPP are the best in terms of the preparation they provide. I did however speak to an individual who had exposure to both 7city and BPP and she felt 7city had better learning materials. So I would choose between the two.
Personally, I wouldn't bother with the Official Training Manual. The entire package provided by the aforementioned distance learining providers is more than sufficient to learn the material rigerously and effectively, and ultimately pass well.

I've been using 7City for my IMC. I also did a maths course with them last year. Both distance learning courses. Very clear training materials, I would recommend them.
Many thanks to all of you for your feedback. After browsing their sites I have decided to go with 7City.
Incidentally, I've got the OTM on order and it's due any day now. When it arrives I'll let you know if it's any good.

Also, have you checked Ebay for mock exams and answers - they're normally worth a purchase as I get the impression that the same questions crop up from time to time.
hi guys

I am planning to give IMC exams,
can you guys please help me with the OTM material as is selling for 130 GBP, can anybody sell it to me for cheaper price....
has anyone tried kaplan financial for distance learning. they appear to be cheap when you select one unit at a time.
:IMC STUDY MANUAL:;;OFFICIAL LATEST MANUAL OF IMC FROM CFAUK:::::::::::: anddistance study package from one of the third-party providers like BPP/Kaplan/7City,
:IMC STUDY MANUAL:;;OFFICIAL LATEST MANUAL OF IMC FROM CFAUK:::::::::::: anddistance study package from one of the third-party providers like BPP/Kaplan/7City,
:IMC STUDY MANUAL:;;OFFICIAL LATEST MANUAL OF IMC FROM CFAUK:::::::::::: anddistance study package from one of the third-party providers like BPP/Kaplan/7City,


do you have the IMC material from 7city available to sell?


IMC Unit 1 The Investment Environment v.12

I'm looking to buy the Official Training material for the IMC, Unit 1: The Investment Environment, version 12.
- new or used copy -
Does anyone have a copy to sell?
Many thanks,