I'm selling my forex course for anyone intereseted


Junior member
Hey guys, no, this is not a spamming thing. I recently purchased a course for forex for 180 euro and I'm selling it on for 100 to recoup some of the expense. If you're starting out with forex trading and you were like me ie you read about candles and a lof of trading rules but you were still fuzzy on where your entries and exits should be, where is the safest to take profit etc then this course will really help you. I know it's helped me immensely. Also along with it I will give you my hints and tips I've picked up along the way including a profitable trading time well it's only 95% of the time that it's profitable (I can just hear the pro's going groooan well the charts tell the story not me and I can prove it :) ).

Anywho, like I said if you're interested in the course (online one btw, no material goods to be delivered or anything like that), pm me.
