I like 'em tight


Legendary member
This old chestnut! Like with most things in life....... The tighter the stop the better.

  • Larger profits.
  • Less time biting your nails.
  • Larger size as smaller stops.


  • ........

Well, I can't think of an opposing argument!
I like to build fat into a trade...very early on...then I chill out and watch everyone else play chase me !fk me ! :)
I like to get in there all the way from the first and best opportunity before the chance passes me by then just enjoy the ride!
i want it as tight as possible, at the moment its like a wizards sleeve however
Thus the different between a scalper (in and out for a quick buck) and a position (!) trader is made clear.

If you are packing real size, its tight wherever you go.
I hear scalpers can only handle one position at a time. We're still talking about trading, right?
Tight doesn't mean getting in too early though, that's just wrong.... but leave it to long to mature and its a terrible mistake.
well, the spread has something to do with how tight its going to be... if the spread opens up at you like a whale yawning, you know theres going to be a problem
How would you know?

Did you not start the whole thread off with a reference to "old chesnuts"??

What exactly is a chestnut?
Well, I did my research, and I have to say that all this reminds me of is school.


Rare treats Indeed!
Tight doesn't mean getting in too early though, that's just wrong.... but leave it to long to mature and its a terrible mistake.

Do I take it then that if I have taken up a bullish position too early and find myself in a heavy period where volatility may be high and its all gone bearish and quite messy that its better to withdraw and wait until I can see the situation more clearly.Basically look before you leap:eek: