How to plot a ratio in Tradestation


Junior member
This question may have been asked before, but I just couldn't locate it ...

Say I want to know the relationship between the HUI index (gold bug index) and Gold, how would I enter the symbols in tradestation ?

In, I would enter the symbols as : $HUI:$Gold. What this mean is I am plotting $HUI / $Gold. This plot will show me how sensitive the movement of HUI is to the movement of Gold.

Is this types of plotting possible in tradestation ?

You need to enter the two symbols seperately on the same chart and then add an indicator "spread ratio"
and if you are looking for the "relative strength" right click on the chart after you have set up the "spread difference" and activate "percentage change chart"

this is usefull if you are making a chart with multiple relative strength charts below the actual price of the product you are compairing. - if that make sense!