How much did you all start with


Junior member
Hi everybody,

Newbie here to the world of T2W and to the world of trading, finding a lot of interesting reads on here and loving the site.

As my post title suggests im here basically wanting to know how much everyone started with in their trading accounts.Purely because i want to know how much I should be using to begin with. I have a heard a lot of stories about people only really learning to trade once they've blown up their account and had to start again, was that true in any of your cases?

Plus one thing that I would also love to know is that, although it is frowned upon to talk about money in most circles. I would just like to throw this question out there and see if anyone is brave enough to answer it. My question is how big is your trading account and how much money are you making weekly/monthly/annually - whatever? the reason i ask is a lot of people talk about how many PIPS or Points they made. The reason I ask is because what I want to know, is it possible to make a living from trading online.

I hope that i do get positive responses to this.

Many thanks all

I started with a few hundred which I used to make very small trades, losing a bit, topping it up, making a bit etc etc, whilst I practised various methods.

I used £2K to fund my first proper account, then added to it as I continued to be profitable.

Your last question will be met with the scorn it deserves, at least from anyone it's worth asking of.

Bloody shirtlifter.

Answer the man's question. It's perfectly reasonable, and he's entitled to ask. How much do you trade with, how much do you make per week, what is your inside leg measurement, do you dress to the left, how many times a day do you crack one out?

I don't know why it's frowned upon to ask these questions.
29 (even at my height - I have a very large torso, relatively speaking),yes,uncountable... but if you think I'm answering the first two you're nuts!
I'd advise puttiing enough in your first account for you to take seriously, but not so much that it will break the bank.

About as close an answer to the question as I'm willing to give.
I'm pattern day trading US stocks so you can work out for yourself what i would have needed to do that with Direct Access.

I can't answer how much i earn per week as i have not had a winning week yet! The account is still open after a year of trading so to me that's a small victory. I'm still learning when the day job allows the time.

Why are the newbies obsessed with how much they need to start and what they can make? A small amount of research into their own finances and reading journals/threads on here would tell them what they need to "make a living" and what they might achieve once they spend a few years sweating at it.

If they cannot devote time to doing their own reading before starting a new thread asking "show me the quick way please, i'm too lazy" then the future does not look too rosie if you ask me.

Sorry Intenso, this is not directed at you personally and your line of questioning is not as bad as some. We just see several beginners per week all coming onto this site asking similar questions.
Only fund your first account with what you can afford to lose. Because like most successful traders, you'll more than likely blow your first account. That's just the way it is, think of it as an education fee.

So I'll answer your first question : I funded my first account with £2,500. And I blew it.

Your second question ..... good luck getting an answer to that.
Only fund your first account with what you can afford to lose. Because like most successful traders, you'll more than likely blow your first account. That's just the way it is, think of it as an education fee.

So I'll answer your first question : I funded my first account with £2,500. And I blew it.

Your second question ..... good luck getting an answer to that.

Started with £100. Turned it into £300. Took £100 out. Got up to £1k and blew it all in one day. Didn't trade for 6 months. I think pretty much everyone started at this size unless they were demoing for ages.
I started with 7k and ended up blowing the lot and the rest ! (margin calls)
the question should be how much are you LEFT with......
Blew my first 2 accounts, before I learnt how to trade, the rest is history, being trading full time as my only source of income over a decade, as for how much I earn, thats for me and me only.