How much are you ready to pay for trading tools?

How much are you ready to spend on trading tool?

  • $100.00

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • $200.00

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $300.00

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $400.00

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $500.00+

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters


Established member
What is the maximum amount of money you can spend on the proofed helpful trading tool: book, seminar, webinar, Indicator, Expert Advisor, software, signal service...

Proofed means you got information about it from your highly reliable source.

What is your limit?
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I would be glad to add this option but I can't find "edit poll" button.
FFS T2W is already a marketers paradise without you doing market research for them !
I can't see the point of this really, but anyway this is what I'd be prepared to pay:

Webinar: Nothing

Indicator: Whaaaaat? Are you serious?

Expert Advisor: Jesus. See above and then some.

Software: Don't insult me.

Seminar: You would have to put a gun to my head, and pay me to attend, and put me up in a 5 star hotel with hookers laid on for free (good ones, no 50 dollar skanks), and then MAYBE I'd think about it.

Signal Service: Are you taking the f***ing p1ss out of me, c0cksucker?

Book: Varies. Something like Reminiscences, I'd pay thousands. But most trading books? I wouldn't wipe my ar$e with them even if they were cheaper, more absorbent and had better glide than actual lat-roll.

Probably best leave me off your mailing list. :)
This is Echo Jiang, I'm runing a small business name hopthink (深圳弘欣顺光电有限公司 )which specilize in high quality LED displays,LED light boexes, LED indoor/ outdoor lighting and any other products relatd with LED. We are dedicated to developing the foreign market. so i think we will consider to buy a trade tool if we can really benefit from it.

Welcome Echo Jiang. You are definitely in the right place, have no doubt about that! :)
In the normal world I would say - never waste money on cheap tools like cheap saws etc. but in this jungle just the opposite - don't waste money on expensive stuff ! It's all for free
It depends on the result I am about to get from the tool.
I have spent more then 9000 USD for different courses, books and seminars.
They made me successful trader.
i'll pay a few bucks to spend time with a particular trader or person who I respect or want to learn more from .........usually when I have spent $$'s on something its not been generally for the seminar content but more for the chance to ask them questions or discuss some ideas afterwards

What is the maximum amount of money you can spend on the proofed helpful trading tool: book, seminar, webinar, Indicator, Expert Advisor, software, signal service...

Proofed means you got information about it from your highly reliable source.

What is your limit?

I spent time, effort and money learning how to program in C# & Visual Basic so that I could write the trading tools I require. I spent around £100- on various 'teach yourself' software books and I didn't set a maximum. Not sure if that counts though as I'm sure you were referring to money spent buying a tool/service from a provider.