You find out the coupon rate of the bond underlying the future by:
finding all the bonds that are deliverable under the contract (w/ maturities from about 6 years to 10). Then find out their conversion factors from the CBOT, or calculate it. Then do Futures Price x Conversion factor for all the notes, and the one which is smallest is the CDT.
Then, to find the futures price, take the quoted ("clean") price of that particular note, and add on the accrued interest to get the Cash ("dirty") price.
Once you've done that, find the present value of the remaining coupon payments the holder of the bond will recieve, take these off the cash price, and use this as the Spot price to calculate the Futures price.
then, use the date of delivery to calculate the accrued interest at delivery, and discount the futures price for this.
Lastly, divide by the conversion factor, and you've got the "fair" futures price on the CDT t-note.
**** I have no idea why they made it so complicated. I had to use Hull *****