How Did You Start Automated Trading?


Experienced member
It would be really handy if anyone knew of a blog or any other source wherein someone lays out their own progression of learning how to code a system (in excel/vb).From what I've been told what I want can't be done in tradestation currently.Could I hire a programmer to do a 'fix' within tradestation or would this be too expensive/mess up tradestation?Most non programmers are told to use excel and the vb contained therein.Are there any well laid out sources that take one through this process?I joined the yahoo xltraders site but there are a myriad of posts and apparently no central FAQ area.Any advice would be appreciated.
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You can pretty well do anything you want in Excel. The secret to getting the answers you need is to know what questions to ask. I am unaware of any specific place where you can go to get the information you need but there is lots of help available on the internet.

If you can provide more details about what you are trying to achieve (without giving your secrets away) then I or others may be able to suggest how easy it would be to do in Excel.

As for learning how to do it yourself, that could be a long path to take unless you are an experienced VB coder.
there are fixes already coded up for most of the TradeStation workarounds, no need to pay a programmer to do it for you.

Some are simple to figure out like Pushpop, the more advanced stuff is extremely complicated. Bamboo on TSW is nothing short of a coding genius, and he's given his work out for free!

Have a mosey through the TradeStationWorld support forums.

PushPop DLL - workaround for pushing data and/or signals or indicators between charts
ELCollections and ELMaps by Bamboo - advanced data mapping for data arrays and other complicated algorithms