Hi, are you interested in a co-developing TIE-UP?


I am a developer ( formerly into IT ). Having seen all the posts here, I am sending invites for a partial open source trading system that would be created ( by its participants ) given to the purpose of:-
1) back-testing ALL theory and practical based trading methodologies
2) given flexibility to its users ( individuals ) who may have a certain habits of trading ( according to Human Nature )
3) full-automation with the option of instant-click intervention ( should there be any serious problem with the trend ) AND
4) full portability with any data feed source ( be it in ASCII or other brokerages' data form )

Please do send myself a private e-mail if there is any interest as discussions can be carried out.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi there

Be one with GOD, so that HE may appoint a deliver for your Soul! -HariHaraBramKalki ( S K )

im a nigerian as well.
nice to meet u soon to be a full time trader.
Om Shanti Om


Well, everything is THE WILL of GOD!

Well, look at the fundamentals - not good. GOD does not favour Gordon Brown that is why there are the EVIL signs - the Deluge-to-be in the UK.

And there is the forecast of Global Recession. I am trying to get fellow like-minded people to join in my partial Open Source project ( trade system ) before the impending crash of the FTSE ( it is a very tight schedule indeed! )

Any takers yet?

I am just a messenger


Hi there

Be one with GOD, so that HE may appoint a deliver for your Soul! -HariHaraBramKalki ( S K )
Yahoo! 360° - S K's Profile

Computers go down, networks crash and markets move.

Here's two words that you will never trade sucesfully without:


Well, everything is THE WILL of GOD!

Well, look at the fundamentals - not good. GOD does not favour Gordon Brown that is why there are the EVIL signs - the Deluge-to-be in the UK.

And there is the forecast of Global Recession. I am trying to get fellow like-minded people to join in my partial Open Source project ( trade system ) before the impending crash of the FTSE ( it is a very tight schedule indeed! )

Any takers yet?

I am just a messenger


Hi there

Be one with GOD, so that HE may appoint a deliver for your Soul! -HariHaraBramKalki ( S K )
Yahoo! 360° - S K's Profile

Brilliant, another f*cking fruit cake. Why reply using my quote. Are you replying to me, the thread or just trying to drum up business for yourself. I go for the latter. What relevance has your post, any of your posts to that matter. So now your God hates Gordon Brown, nice one. My God loves him and all others as he forgives those who sin.
Endless spam and sh1t just flies from your mouth. Go and hide somewhere and take your macabre dark little (cult) world with you.

This board is for traders, not religious nuts.....Try Heavens Gate
Heaven's Gate (cult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
1) back-testing ALL theory and practical based trading methodologies
-will take you fron now to doomsday, so either you have very little grasp of reality or your assertion
I am a developer ( formerly into IT ).
is a bit of an exaggeration (no developer could possibly envisage '1' as a feasible task to complete - even Dilbert's pointy-haired boss would consider this impossible!

Giving flexibility to users is a sure recipe for disaster, as any real developer knows - the little bu**ers will happily ask for infinitely recursive functions given the ability to click the 'infinite recursion' button.

Oooh, ooh, ps - the deluge won't actually involve everyone dying and a rowing boat full of improbably paired animals ending up at the top of Mt Ararat again. I think Gordon Brown sucks too - but I doubt God gives a **** about him, frankly, let's just vote him out at the next election like all rational people would!

In contrast the rest of your ideas are quite far fetched, especially all that stuff about God....

So, no thanks matey, and I hope the weather is nice on your planet.

Edit is going wonky - sorry for extra post!
Errr... well...greetings to everyone I used to swap posts with on here then, Hi Sharkey, Bramble, The Amazing Mento (sorry, I meant that nice chap who used to wave Alice at Rhinos...)
Oh please take Mad Gordo back to Scotland, Dave.
I beg of you.
We've had enough.
The likes of Mad Gordo and his Darling poodle and his part time Defence minister and their gross incompetence are giving Scots a bad name.
Or perhaps this is the revenge of Scotland for what it perceives as centuries of English oppression.
Independence for Scotland if we can deport back the above named war criminals and keep all the good Scots here.

I understand cu10987654321 loves shanti. Me too, but this ain't the place for the intelligence challenged who believe the world will end for whatever reason - eaten up by a switched on CERN or whatever.
The greatest threat to the world is as it always has been, religious and/or political nutters
They do great Bengali food at our local Shanti :)

PS Any fancy a computer search for that missing Higgs boson?..................back test till you find it and if you don't then it doesn't exist...mmmmm
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