Price levels provided by my broker (DMA) e.g. open, high, low for the same intstrument on the same day differ when viewed through different time frames (as per details below).
I apprecate the odd tick or 2 price difference is not the end of the world, but in some cases I am experiencing differences of over 5 points. Is this normal or should I be looking for an alternative data provider?
Your comments would be appreciated.
1 min - open 3921 - high 3923 - low 3862.50
1 hr - open 3921 - high 3920.50 - low 3873
1 day - open 3886.45 - high 3921.50 - low 3859.45
Price levels provided by my broker (DMA) e.g. open, high, low for the same intstrument on the same day differ when viewed through different time frames (as per details below).
I apprecate the odd tick or 2 price difference is not the end of the world, but in some cases I am experiencing differences of over 5 points. Is this normal or should I be looking for an alternative data provider?
Your comments would be appreciated.
1 min - open 3921 - high 3923 - low 3862.50
1 hr - open 3921 - high 3920.50 - low 3873
1 day - open 3886.45 - high 3921.50 - low 3859.45