Heiken Ashi candlesticks


Active member
Hi everyone.

Im interested in reading up on Heiken Ashi candlesticks/techniques.
Does anyone know of any good websites or books which will satisfy my curiosity?

Faris.. 🙄
Thanks for the link Henry.
Its surprising there is very little information that i have found so far on the internet regarding Heiken Ashi charts. Iv done numerous searches, finding bits and pieces here and there.

Anyone else know of any useful sites?

Faris said:
Thanks for the link Henry.
Its surprising there is very little information that i have found so far on the internet regarding Heiken Ashi charts. Iv done numerous searches, finding bits and pieces here and there.

Anyone else know of any useful sites?


Hi Faris

There was an article in the May / June Traders Mag on these charts. The article was written by Dan Valcu who seems to be the main man at the educofin site Henry pointed out.

This may be of some interest

and if you've got $4 so may this

and I believe it is considered by some to be very effective when incorporated with the Japanese Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - explanatory document attached for those interested


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Hello Stew/ Rognvald

Thanks for your input on this subject, much appreciated.
Im certainly interested in Heiken Ashi candlesticks and it looks as though it might come into good use.
Just need to keep digging to see what else can be found.

Happy Trading 🙂
BTW it may not be apparent but there is a 3 period lag in Heikin Ashi and this needs to be taken into account - especially if using it with Ichimoku
at last - someone has come up with good aids to trading - both heineken and asahi are excellent beers and do really aid getting winning trades - not sure what you use the candlesticks for,and the itchy thing sounds real evil, can i get it from brixton?

ok, got it - you use the candle sticks to light the itchy stuff!
stevet said:
at last - someone has come up with good aids to trading - both heineken and asahi are excellent beers and do really aid getting winning trades - not sure what you use the candlesticks for,and the itchy thing sounds real evil, can i get it from brixton?

ok, got it - you use the candle sticks to light the itchy stuff!
You may think that the information I posted is an endorsement of the systems mentioned. I merely answered the question that was asked. I have these details on a hard drive, along with a lot of other stuff that I have either not used at all or abandoned as being unhelpful to me. It is there as part of a mass of stuff I have researched in my search for knowledge on trading. Some people do see merit in these techniques and there was a time when I thought they might be useful. If Faris is curious about the HA candlesticks this information will help him decide whether the method could be useful to him. If using it helps him - well and good. If not then he can cross another idea off his list.

If you like an interesting beer then try a Newcastle Brown before they stop making it there🙄

my post was the result of looking at forums after i had had a drink or two - nothing more
Morning Everyone

The information which was provided has been useful to myself so thanks again.
I think heiken ashi is an interesting way of lookin at charts and im sure it will be of some use to myself as another way of confirming my trades.

Faris said:
Hi everyone.

Im interested in reading up on Heiken Ashi candlesticks/techniques.
Does anyone know of any good websites or books which will satisfy my curiosity?

Faris.. 🙄

There is an article and coding in re Heiken Ashi in Stocks and Commodities, February 2004. Here is the the beginning of the article from their website:

Since the introduction of the candlestick method to the US some two decades ago, it caused a revolution in perceiving how the bullish and bearish forces perform in the Western markets. It has become a popular charting tool, as traders have used candlesticks to make chart formations easier to spot and name. But interpreting candlesticks can be challenging. To make things easier, the heikin-ashi technique modifies the traditional candlestick chart. Let’s take a look at how it works.


The heikin-ashi method (heikin means “average” or “balance” in Japanese, while ashi means “foot” or “bar”) is a visual technique that eliminates irregularities from a normal chart, offering a better picture of trends and consolidations. Just by looking at a candlestick chart created with this method, you get a good idea of the market’s status and its strength. Take a look at the candlestick chart of Canon ADR in Figure 1A versus the heikin-ashi modified chart in Figure 1B. Which chart would you prefer to use?


The heikin-ashi candlestick technique uses modified open-high-low-close (OHLC) values and displays them as candlesticks. The modified values are computed using these definitions:

• haClose = (O+H+L+C)/4

• haOpen = (haOpen (previous bar) + haClose (previous bar))/2

• haHigh = Maximum(H, haOpen, haClose)

• haLow = Minimum(L, haOpen, haClose)

Does anyone know of any Forex brokers or charting packages that is able to to have heiken ashi charts on a wireless platform?

Thanks Rob.

I know esignal offer heiken Ashi charts on there charting platform but i dont think its the case with there wireless version. I think ill have a chat with them.

Heikin-Ashi charting

Faris said:
Thanks Rob.

I know esignal offer heiken Ashi charts on there charting platform but i dont think its the case with there wireless version. I think ill have a chat with them.


Try Amibroker. They have very powerful scripting language.
Faris said:
Thanks Rob.

I know esignal offer heiken Ashi charts on there charting platform but i dont think its the case with there wireless version. I think ill have a chat with them.


Not available on the pda setup.

Really great with an overbought/oversold type indicator. Hits the ranges nicely.