Hansa Equity


I followed pleasant and professional voice of "broker" to explain me that I'll be very clever to buy some shares. I was all the time very conservative and I used some finance tools stated secured savings only and in the time of call I decided to be a bit more brave (in the wrong time I just know). Hansa Equity is not anywhere, as it expected :(
I bought shares of Greencell Technology http://greencelltek.com/investors/?page_id=11, Euro 2,4 per share (2 000 shares) but from February shares show very steep descent. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=GT5:GR
I know it is the scam. Do I have any chance to dig any money back or I have to say myself ...you are really stupid ...? Thanks for some recommendation.

There is a thread called 'boiler room scams' here. There are many similar stories, in fact Greencell Technologies are quite a famous scam. I believe you will not get any money back. Also many other scammers will call you and try to get you to buy more shares or they may offer to buy you Greencell shares. This will be another scam, don't buy shares from people who call you, they are all scams.

There is a thread called 'boiler room scams' here. There are many similar stories, in fact Greencell Technologies are quite a famous scam. I believe you will not get any money back. Also many other scammers will call you and try to get you to buy more shares or they may offer to buy you Greencell shares. This will be another scam, don't buy shares from people who call you, they are all scams.

Dear Pboyles
thanks for the replay. I am afraid I already count with the lost. Experince costs money, experience of clever people costs money of others :) Luckily I did not accept other "best" recommendation of them and I stayed only at purchase of Greencell Tech.