Good site for fundamental analysis


Junior member
I am getting into trading options, and looking for a web site for fundamental analysis that is effective and affordable. I prefer technical analysis to fundamental but I need to know it about the stocks I am option trading, so here I am asking about your favorite places to go for fundamental analysis of stocks.

Thanks in advance...
In my trading career, I always try to take trading decisions after analyzing all essential aspects. I know it very well that without perfect analyses I may arrive to wrong trading decisions. Though I trade forex, I think that all the financial market investment decisions must go through proper due diligence. And we can’t deny the fact that fundamental analysis can be a guideline for those traders who want to overview the board picture of trades.
I don't think there is such a thing as a perfect analysis, they usually only have a degree of probability. The higher the probability, the better, obviously.
It all depends on the market you are interesed in. For exapmle, there is a FinViz about US stocks. It provides you with the most important information and news related to the company.