Good Forex Club To Join



I am new to the forex game looking to invest. I would like to join a forex club with live chat and watch over the shoulder of an experienced trader something like There price scares me $599 & $3999 for there advanced package which I could invest that amount in forex!

Is it better to go with a UK training school?


I am new to the forex game looking to invest. I would like to join a forex club with live chat and watch over the shoulder of an experienced trader something like There price scares me $599 & $3999 for there advanced package which I could invest that amount in forex!

Is it better to go with a UK training school?


Google Dan is/(was?) charging 100 quid a month. Try it for a couple of months, see what you think. Also Google Phil Newton he's as good as it gets and the cost is in the same ball park.

I am new to the forex game looking to invest. I would like to join a forex club with live chat and watch over the shoulder of an experienced trader something like There price scares me $599 & $3999 for there advanced package which I could invest that amount in forex!

Is it better to go with a UK training school?


Better to save your money rather than wasting it on any forex courses.
waste of time money better spent elsewhere! For god sake if your training in any field in life you need education from an educational body. Price is another thing but not having group of like minded people in the same field gears up for complete failure.
waste of time money better spent elsewhere! For god sake if your training in any field in life you need education from an educational body. Price is another thing but not having group of like minded people in the same field gears up for complete failure.

If you can't make it in this field on your own, you're not going to make it at all. IMO one needs to make their own observations about the market, and come up with a trading style that suits them. These 'educational bodies' only regurgitate what you would you find for free anyway. They may pretend to have 'secrets' or some fantastic trading methodology, but even if they do it may not work for you. One can easily come up with profitable strategies using their own nouse once you have a read up on the key topics of technical analysis, money & risk management and trading psychology. These are the first steps to take IMO.
I was being flippant Guys, sorry. If you want to be a professional in any field you need expert training from a successful practioner. One of my recent members made 800+ points in his first 3 dasy of trading.

Why? He listened to exactly what I taught him, many new traders don't do this, as adults we love to complicate things; it's easier to teach teenager to some extent, if you find one that can concentrate and follow your rules!

There is a lot of free material out there but I would suggest you don't risk your capital untill you have spent many many hours researching afterwards. A quicker option is to find a mentor / course that is proven.

Mike Hamilton
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100% agreed.

How do you suggest that a vendor proves beyond reasonable doubt that they are a successful practitioner ?

Several ways you can do it. For me I trade in a 'room' of beginners / intermediate traders so they see me take and manage a trade. I post videos - you can track what I'm trading - - I have many references from the poeple who watch me trade/ people I have trained. The evidence is all over the place. In fact many brokers and hedge funds follow me.

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The thing i have experienced getting things for free is that its of very low quality and doesnt produce results or you have to purchase something else once you get it free in order to make the free software or free training doable.

I think getting a mentor is crucial I have already learned so much from watching random videos of the pitfalls of day trading.

Its like saying starting a new job with an employers without any help and support and they expect you to know the job after 3 days and want xyz targets met impossible its illogical.
The thing i have experienced getting things for free is that its of very low quality and doesnt produce results or you have to purchase something else once you get it free in order to make the free software or free training doable.

There are some very good books out there that cover all aspects of trading. Get hold of them and read them and then you may in a position to determine which ones were low quality. IMO you'll need to read up on them anyway - I'm yet to see an educator who gives a comprehensive, well rounded education.
Having educated yourself, then you can use your initiative and creativity to design a methodology that suits you.

I think getting a mentor is crucial I have already learned so much from watching random videos of the pitfalls of day trading.

Again, the pitfalls of trading are very well documented. I have read one book that was entirely devoted to the topic. It listed them all, much better than getting some random bits from videos or the ones a mentor just happens to mention on a given day.

Its like saying starting a new job with an employers without any help and support and they expect you to know the job after 3 days and want xyz targets met impossible its illogical.

By reading up and experimenting on a free platform in simulation as you are learning in your spare time, there is NO pressure to be making bucket loads of cash in the short term. Get some consistency first before even considering trading real money. If you've got questions along the way, you'll find answers here, or your broker will be able to answer platform related queries.

If, having studied the old fashioned way, and you're still stumped, then at least you'll be better informed about what services you actually require.

Paid trainers like 'TradeTheEasyWay' above, attempt to make trading sound difficult to learn by using the analogies like 'if you want to be a doctor, you need expert tuition, why would you expect to become a professional trader without it?'.
My answer to that is I spent several years at university to become a professional. A good portion of that was moulding me into an employable being. Most of what I learnt I never used.
With trading, the amount you need to know is only a fraction of a what a professional such as a doctor or engineer requires. I mean really, how much can you possibly learn about reading a chart? It might be the equivalent of one subject for one semeter at uni, max. It is essential IMO to learn, but it's not that difficult or time consuming. And not worth paying thousands for. Other key topics such as risk management, money management etc might make up another subject.
Most of the development to becoming a professional trader will need to come from within anyway. Unlikely an educator will help you to develop discipline, consistency and a good psychological framework.
But hey, don't take my word for it. Go on, give $6k of your hard earned cash to LTG Goldrock. After all, they claim to be 'the ultimate solution for forex traders'. The head guy even refers to himself as 'The Mentor', so perhaps he's your man. But don't come back here in 6 months and start whinging that you lost lots of money and didn't learn how to trade!
Here's a tip you can take to the bank everyone.

Anyone that tries to sell you something related to trading with the word 'Easy' in it, as in let's say 'TradeTheEasyWay' is marketing to you, basically telling you want you want to hear, ie I can show you how it's easy, how you can make a fortune without doing that much work. These people will also probably try to convince you they have some sort of 'secret' as in the 'secrets the pros don't want you to know'. It's all a sick joke.

Conversly, anyone that tells you trading is hard, very hard - and keeps reminding you of this fact. Well, listen to them. But then the masses don't want to hear that sort of talk but look at what happens to the masses............

100% agreed.

How do you suggest that a vendor proves beyond reasonable doubt that they are a successful practitioner ?

Put up their trading statements otherwise what are they trying to hide.

Ask them why 98% of them don't and and the barrage of excuses will start.

Remember, they don't have to put up their main account, it can be done with a small test account of say $30,000 or £10,000 with spread bets.

This is what I'd do if I had something to sell, and what a great marketing tool but it is the perfect litmus test which explains why 98% don't.
There are some very good books out there that cover all aspects of trading. Get hold of them and read them and then you may in a position to determine which ones were low quality. IMO you'll need to read up on them anyway - I'm yet to see an educator who gives a comprehensive, well rounded education.
Having educated yourself, then you can use your initiative and creativity to design a methodology that suits you.

Yes, I agree you can learn alot from books and tutorials. However, they are in every field of life useless information that has no bearing and its time consuming which means losing time means losing money. Reading through 100 books to find 1 good one is just frustrating and I rather pay someone $100 or so to bypass that and use information, strategies, tactics that he has used and tested practically and recommends them and has testimonials from others that is far easier than finding your own method surely. Yes, they are many robbers out there after your money paying x amount you just have to do your due diligence to separate the genuine from the scammers

Again, the pitfalls of trading are very well documented. I have read one book that was entirely devoted to the topic. It listed them all, much better than getting some random bits from videos or the ones a mentor just happens to mention on a given day.

I prefer the idea of watching visually as sometimes they show charts and graphs and there is question and answer about a topic from the audience etc as you cant do that with a book.

By reading up and experimenting on a free platform in simulation as you are learning in your spare time, there is NO pressure to be making bucket loads of cash in the short term. Get some consistency first before even considering trading real money. If you've got questions along the way, you'll find answers here, or your broker will be able to answer platform related queries.

How do you know if your not wasting your time using free information I am not saying all of it is guff but why would someone give away a strategy that makes tons of money for free? Its like McDonald giving away there recipe for a big mac they would be bankrupt within days.

If, having studied the old fashioned way, and you're still stumped, then at least you'll be better informed about what services you actually require.

You have a point there.

Paid trainers like 'TradeTheEasyWay' above, attempt to make trading sound difficult to learn by using the analogies like 'if you want to be a doctor, you need expert tuition, why would you expect to become a professional trader without it?'.
My answer to that is I spent several years at university to become a professional. A good portion of that was moulding me into an employable being. Most of what I learnt I never used

The amount of times I have heard that is shocking my friend went through the same thing studying computing science told it was the holy grail and your literally guaranteed a job turned out he worked in a store selling jeans.

With trading, the amount you need to know is only a fraction of a what a professional such as a doctor or engineer requires. I mean really, how much can you possibly learn about reading a chart? It might be the equivalent of one subject for one semeter at uni, max. It is essential IMO to learn, but it's not that difficult or time consuming. And not worth paying thousands for. Other key topics such as risk management, money management etc might make up another subject.
Most of the development to becoming a professional trader will need to come from within anyway. Unlikely an educator will help you to develop discipline, consistency and a good psychological framework.
But hey, don't take my word for it. Go on, give $6k of your hard earned cash to LTG Goldrock. After all, they claim to be 'the ultimate solution for forex traders'. The head guy even refers to himself as 'The Mentor', so perhaps he's your man. But don't come back here in 6 months and start whinging that you lost lots of money and didn't learn how to trade!

Yeah I agree I wouldn't pay that sort of money without a money back guarantee the again some promise that never give back.
Money back guarantees in this business are totally useless. If you lose several thousand $$ you will get NONE of that back, only your sign up fee. Will that really make you feel better?? Many companies will give that back to you anyway since they've already made scores of money from you when you place trades with their recommended brokers who split commissions or spreads with them.

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Client Company Name. Description.

By becoming our clients you can evaluate our products too!
It's easy.

err, something missing, Mike? I don't see any of the brokers or hedge funds that follow you listed here? In fact, NO ONE is listed.
