Going for a job - help !


Junior member
I'm looking at the possibility of an account-management type position with a data / trading system provider's Tokyo operation, starting in the fields of FX options and USD IRS.

My background is in IT, with a number of years in investment banking IT. I've done some business development for a market data analysis company and so have background knowledge about the data delivery industry. I've been in Japan longer than I sometimes care to remember. Years ago I took a 2-day course in Interest rate derivatives, and another in capital markets essentials, with a major bank, but whilst working in IT. I'm reading the course notes... but I'm probably out-of-date on (or have never known) the jargon, and I'm out of touch with the current markets.

What should I know ? Do you have any tips, pointers, reading links ? In the meantime I'll be reading some of the threads here.


Seems to me your ideally qualified for the position. Isn't the emphasis on data/systems? This is more important than the trading jargon you pick up from anywhere.

Good luck.

Thanks, Grant. To be clearer, most of my banking IT experience is on the infrastructure side. The position I'm looking at interfaces between clients and in-house developers, so requires enough knowledge of the products to talk with brokers about the content they're getting.

Fx options and swaps are not usually regarded as beginners' fayre, consequently a shortage of intro material. Presumably one would first learn the basics of spot fx and progress to options then to currency/interest rate swaps.

I reckon the best book, due to it's range of subjects (including swaps)and clarity of its worked examples (ie not pure calculus notation) is Options and Financial Futures: Valuation and Uses by D A Dubofsky, c 700 pages. You can get it from Amazon (used) for $1.78 (that's not an error):


Hull's Options, Futures, etc is often cited for good reason but is far more anaytical which I don't feel will be necessary for your situation.
