Nildes said:
I think you're mad. The regulations were put in place to protect investors. Anyone seeking to circumvent them will be seen as perhaps attempting to indulge in criminal activity.
Forming a company provides very little protection for you since, if you have care and control, you have de facto rsponsibility and you can be sued....especially if it can be shown that incorporation was a device to circumvent the law.
What do you get out of it? Why got to all this effort, take all these risks with the regulatory authorities?
All to do some friends a favour?
As others have said, they won't be friends if you start losing.
To do family a favour?
Even worse. When money problems come between kin the bitterness can last generations.
Lilke I said at the must be mad!
You are absolutely right Nildes. Yours is the wisest comment on this thread.
No one, but no one is deserving of advice, of any sort, whether matrimonial, social,
behavioural, with regard to trading, alcohol, dress, or even recklessness in drivng or whatever.
Why ? I will tell all of you why. People in the end analysis do what they want to do, even, and horrifyingly so, even, when they know it is wrong or the wrong thing to do.
To give any trading advice is a disaster. Many years ago a close friend asked me to help
him. I did so. I picked trades for him that were absolutely on the button. I told him when to
go in and when to get out. This went on for several weeks. I was very pleased to have been able to improve his lot, you understand, because for me it was very easy, only to find out
that none of it had been done. He had maintained this charade "only to find out if I could
be consistently right ". Now that he was satisfied he wanted more. So I stopped, because
I was made to realise that if you advise and it goes wrong it is your fault. If you advise and
it goes right, it is as if you never advised. And in addition the person you advised is likely to
go off and boast it was all his idea anyway. My conclusion is that the great majority of
humanity are not worth the effort. Even experts have to suffer bufoons arguing with them.
Let us all have a quiet life or find a way to prevent others trying to argue with us.
Discussion amongst intelligent people is a different proposition altogether, but to have to
struggle with dunces is an awful experience. For my sins, I have that experience.
Experience is the consequence of making mistakes, but having the ability to learn from them
so as not to be condemned to repeat them. All experiences are formative.