Regarding gap risk with trading equities using leverage.
What is the best way to avoid such a risk on a leverage position? I am on an IG demo, but realising the potential risk of going live with real money trading on margin.
I trade off the 1h, and often have overnight positions until either SL / TP is hit, trades last 1 - 3 days
With options it is cost efficient to have an OTM call about 30 days, to avoid the time decay. Should I just trade options? But as I trade pull backs into support the IV sometimes high.
Or should I, purchase stock on leverage, then purchase OTM put(s), as protection.
Regarding gap risk with trading equities using leverage.
What is the best way to avoid such a risk on a leverage position? I am on an IG demo, but realising the potential risk of going live with real money trading on margin.
I trade off the 1h, and often have overnight positions until either SL / TP is hit, trades last 1 - 3 days
With options it is cost efficient to have an OTM call about 30 days, to avoid the time decay. Should I just trade options? But as I trade pull backs into support the IV sometimes high.
Or should I, purchase stock on leverage, then purchase OTM put(s), as protection.